Westminster Park’s local wildlife includes Great Crested Newts have been seen in both Winkwell Field and the marl pits in the Greenbelt land that the Council wish to handover to developers.
Great Crested Newts are internationally important species of conservation concern as described on this Cheshire Biodiversity web site – http://www.cheshire-biodiversity.org.uk/action-plans/listing.php?id=34
Specific actions plans for Great Crested Newt conservation are documented at http://ukbars.defra.gov.uk/archive/plans/lbap_complete_plan.asp?X={5C19A854-E33D-459E-98A2-DD28A91EE8BB}&LBAP={2CF2A1EE-9AE6-4436-ABA7-21E8B659574D}&CO=
There is no evidence in the Local Plan for conservation or an impact assessment for bio-diversity when re-designating this Greenbelt land, i.e. a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.
NOTE: There is a ‘Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report – June 2013.pdf” as a part of the plan, but it does NOT cover the Greenbelt land next to Wrexham Road and the importance of the marl pits to our Great Crested Newts.
You have until 5pm tomorrow to save our Great Crested Newts – Please send this additional information (below) to spatialplanning@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Dear Spatial Planning Team,
The local plan is NOT LEGALLY COMPLIANT because there is no evidence in the Local Plan that a Habitats Regulations Assessment has been carried out in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 given that Great Crested Newts are known by residents to be living in the marl pits on this Greenbelt land.
Kind Regards,
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