Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

December 21, 2020
by Penny White


Changes to garden waste collections in the new year
Cheshire West and Chester Council will suspend its garden waste collections for a slightly longer period this year to ensure core waste collection services continue during the ongoing pandemic.
Garden waste collection is normally suspended for four weeks over the winter in the borough and this year was scheduled to happen between Monday, 14 December and Sunday, 10 January, 2021. Recently kerbside collection service calendars have been delivered to every household in the borough confirming the four-week garden waste suspension period.
However, a decision has been taken to extend this suspension of the garden waste collection service from Monday, 11 January to Monday, 8 February, 2021. This will provide Cheshire West Recycling (CWR) with greater flexibility, to ensure that core waste and recycling collections can be maintained over the busiest period of the year, whilst mitigating the added risks presented by Covid-19.
A scheme to assist with the collection and deposit of Christmas trees will be promoted through local charities and supported by the Council’s Street Care service.
For charity collections, Just Helping, raises money for local hospices by collecting and recycling real trees. Find your nearest hospice to arrange a collection – Just Helping: Christmas tree collection.
After Monday, 4 January, 2021 real Christmas trees can be dropped off for the Council to reuse them in parks and open spaces at:
Hooton Golf Club Chester Road, Hooton, Ellesmere Port, CH66 1QF
Whitby Park Stanney Lane, Ellesmere Port, CH65 9AQ
Stanney Fields Park Hinderton Road, Neston, CH64 9PE
Westminster Park Hough Green, Chester, CH4 8JW
Alexandra Park Canadian Avenue, Chester, CH2 3HH
Castle Park Fountain Lane, Frodsham, WA6 6SA
Knights Grange Sports Complex Winsford, CW7 2PT
Trees will be mulched for use throughout the year in your parks and gardens
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: “By extending the suspension of our garden waste collections we will give Cheshire West Recycling the resilience to cope with the added pressures caused by the on-going pandemic.”

December 21, 2020
by Penny White


Library services move on-line during the Christmas period
Most Cheshire West and Chester libraries will close over the Christmas period but services will continue on-line until Monday, 4 January 2021, when libraries re-open.

With the exception of Storyhouse in Chester, all libraries in the borough will close at 1pm on Thursday, 24 December. Storyhouse will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day and at 8pm on Christmas Eve.

It will open from 10am until 11pm on Boxing Day, with normal opening hours throughout the rest of the festive period. For further details: visit: https://www.storyhouse.com/visit-storyhouse

The mobile library will not visit Malpas on Tuesday, 22 December.

Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council and Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, Councillor Louise Gittins said: “Although the majority of our libraries will be closed across the festive period, don’t forget that you can search, reserve and renew items on-line, at any time of the day or night, on the council website.”

All loans have been extended until Monday, 11 January 2021.

You can also find out more about the wide range of free eResources available. A 24-hour telephone line for renewals is available too, by calling 0300 123 7739.

For more information visit www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/libraries. You can also follow Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Libraries Service on Facebook or Twitter.

The Cheshire Record Office will also be closed from Wednesday, 23 December until Tuesday, 5 January 2021, but Cheshire Archives’ online resources are still available at www.cheshirearchives.org.uk. Information about visiting from 5 January onwards can be found on the Archives website.

December 17, 2020
by Penny White


We have received amended plans/additional information in respect of the following:
Single storey side and rear extensions. Raising of existing roof to create a first floor. at 63 Vincent Drive Chester Cheshire CH4 7RQ
The reference number for this application is 20/02228/FUL
Please submit any comments you wish to make by 10th January 2021
You can use the Planning pages on the Council’s website at www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk to:
 View all the plans and other documents
 Make comments online
 Use the Council’s interactive mapping service
 Sign up for email notifications
If you are unable to view documents or comment online please email planning@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk or call 0300 123 8123. If you want to send us comments in the post, please write to the address at the top of this letter, quoting the reference number above.

Please note your comments will be published on our website, in full and unmoderated, along with the first line of your address. Please ensure that your comment does not include any text you do not want to appear online.
For further information about what we do with your information please view the Planning privacy notice https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/system-pages/privacy-notices/planning.aspx Yours faithfully
Ms Rhian Chitty
Planning Officer
Direct Dial: 01244 972490
General: 0300 123 7027
Email address: rhian.chitty@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk Web address (to submit comments and view the plans): http://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Please note that in the event that an appeal is made against a decision of the Council to refuse to grant planning permission for a proposed householder development or minor commercial development, and that appeal then proceeds by way of the written representations procedure, any representations made to the Council about this application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.
This notice has been served because to do so is required by one or more of the following: the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015, Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Section 191 or as amended or re-enacted.

December 14, 2020
by Penny White



The Christmas season is fast approaching and we just wanted to share some content for online activities and things happening across the borough:

Healthbox – Have created a Health on a Shelf calendar. Each day there will be new content around health and wellbeing and activities to try.

CWaC Libraries – Link to daily updates and activities that the library service are doing. Please see attached leaflet with information or go online to Facebook or on twitter @cwaclibrary
Live Well – Information for families and individuals who may need help and support through the Christmas period

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Chester Locality Team

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Email: chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

Location: Nicholas House, 1 Blackfriars, Chester. CH1 2NU

Visit: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

CW&C COVID helpline – 0300 123 7031 or email enquiries@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

For local information on ‘Coping at home with Coronavirus’ go to Live Well Cheshire West and Age Friendly Cheshire West – You Are Not Alone

December 1, 2020
by Penny White

Council asks for residents’ views on wildflowers, green spaces and play

Cheshire West and Chester Council is asking residents to give their views on how it manages wildflower planting, Council-owned parks and open spaces, and outdoor play and youth areas in a consultation launched today.

The Council plans to produce an overarching Environmental Management Strategy, which will include a review of its current Play Strategy, a Wildflower and Grassland Strategy and a Parks and Greenspaces Strategy.

Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, Councillor Louise Gittins said: “The Council has carried out initial engagement with staff, town and parish councils, councillors and other key stakeholders, such as Chester Zoo and Plantlife. The feedback we received has helped to create three draft strategies. I hope as many people as possible will give their views on our plans and ideas so far.
“Parks and green spaces are a vital part of the borough, providing spaces to help improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of residents and attracting visitors to the area.”

The consultation also includes an on-line mapping tool where participants can help identify Council-owned and maintained green space/grassed areas where wildflower meadows could be created in the borough.
The Council has declared a Climate Emergency in the Borough and is committed to helping west Cheshire to become carbon neutral by 2045.

Councillor Matt Bryan, Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency added: “A Wildflower and Grasslands Strategy is needed to help us tackle the climate emergency. This strategy aims to improve the amount of pollinator species and conserve biodiversity in local areas, addressing how we can better manage our existing wildflower verges and including how more people can be encouraged to plant nectar-rich native plants in their own gardens that will provide food for wildlife. It will also identify green corridors in the borough, which will help link our urban and rural green spaces.”
The Council already has an existing Play Strategy, which will be reviewed and updated to reflect the present situation in relation to outdoor play and youth facilities and any gaps that currently exist. The strategy will also include updated legislation and best practice in relation to developing outdoor play and youth areas and also an updated position on improvements at facilities undertaken by partners over the last four years of the current play strategy programme.
The eight-week consultation period starts on 30 November 2020 and closes on 25 January 2021. Residents can give their views by taking part online at: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/environmentstrategies.

Comments can also be sent to the Council by the following methods:

Email: EnvironmentalStrategy@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Postal address: Environmental Strategies Consultation, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Clough Road, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 4BD
The questionnaire is also available in accessible formats (easy read, braille) upon request.

December 1, 2020
by Penny White


Date: 01 December 2020
Reference Number: 4889

Council’s libraries, museums and the Cheshire Record Office to reopen from 2 December
Following the news that Cheshire West and Chester has been placed in Tier 2, Cheshire West and Chester Council’s libraries, museums and the Cheshire Record Office will reopen from Wednesday 2 December.

Libraries will reopen on reduced hours for browsing and computer access. There will be a temporary replacement Mobile Library service for Malpas, Tarporley, Tarvin and Tattenhall.

Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, Councillor Louise Gittins said: “Staff will be working hard to ensure everyone’s safety. Our museums, libraries and the Cheshire Record Office have tested processes in place to ensure that all spaces are cleaned on a regular basis and visitors adhere to social distancing guidelines.

“We look forward to welcoming visitors back. Look out in the press and on social media for details of festive activities taking place at a museum near you and online with West Cheshire Libraries.”

To ensure the safety of staff and visitors revised opening times and pre-booking has been introduced for all museums. Find out more to plan your visit:

http://westcheshiremuseums.co.uk/ Opening times and booking procedures may change at short notice.

There are no separate booking arrangements needed for The Tiger Who Came to Tea exhibition at the Grosvenor museum, just pre-book a visit to the museum as normal.

For further information and details of library opening hours visit www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/libraries.

The Home Library Service will resume where volunteers and clients are able to, supported by Council Library staff. Some Library services are available 24/7 online.

Reservations will resume on Wednesday 2 December and normal loan periods and overdue charges will resume from Monday 7 December. Libraries will also be fine-free for under 13s from 7 December. Children aged 0-12 years will no longer be charged for any overdue items and any pre-existing late charges will be removed from their accounts. Check items on loan by logging in to your account.

Cheshire Record Office will be open on an appointment basis after 2 December from 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 4pm, Tuesdays and Fridays. Requests to view archives must be made in advance by email: (recordoffice@cheshiresharedservices.gov.uk).

Further information can be found at http://www.cheshirearchives.org.uk. All online services remain unaffected.

The Grosvenor Museum

We are pleased to announce that our free The Tiger Who Came To Tea exhibition will reopen on Wednesday 2 December.

Please note there are no separate booking arrangements The Tiger Who Came to Tea exhibition, just pre-book a visit to the museum as normal.

To pre-book your visit please ring from Tuesday to Saturday 01244 972197.

Advanced booking for The Tiger Who Came To Tea reopens on Tuesday 1 December at 10.30am.

Visit our other exhibition Clive Hicks-Jenkins: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight exhibition.

The Lion Salt Works

To pre-book places please ring from Tuesday to Thursday on 01606 275066.

Advanced booking reopens on Wednesday 2 December at 10.30am.

Visit the exhibition: A Brine Romance: Salt and Food joined by sculpture inspired by the theme by HND Fine and Applied Art students Warrington & Vale Royal College.

Weaver Hall Museum & Workhouse

To pre-book places please ring from Monday to Thursday on 01606 271641

Advanced booking reopens on Wednesday 2 December at 10.30am.

Visit the exhibition: Visual Arts Cheshire: Winter Open Exhibition.

Stretton Watermill is now closed for the winter and will be open again in April 2021.

November 30, 2020
by Penny White


Council Leader responds to borough’s new tier 2 restrictions
Cheshire West and Chester will move into COVID-19 tier 2 from 2 December, after the Government reinstated the regional tiered restrictions to suppress the virus through the winter.

Cheshire West and Chester’s tier level has been decided by the Government, determined by the borough’s current COVID-19 infection rate. The decision has not involved any negotiations with local leaders.

Subject to Parliamentary approval, gyms and retail can open, as can restaurants, but pubs not serving meals will remain closed. There will be no mixing of households indoors, apart from support bubbles. A maximum of six can meet outdoors.

Wherever possible the number of journeys made should be reduced. Travel into Tier 3 areas should be avoided, except where necessary, such as work, education, for medical attention, youth services or caring responsibilities. Everyone who can work from home should do so.

COVID-19 infections have fallen in the last seven days; there were 635 positive cases between 15th and 21st November, a rate of 185 per 100,000 of population.

Responding to the government’s announcement, Council leader councillor Louise Gittins said: “I’m pleased that the collective efforts of our residents and businesses mean we will be in tier 2, rather than the higher level of restrictions in tier 3. But we can’t be complacent. We all need to stay the course, continue to reduce infection, and therefore get down to the lowest tier as soon as possible. The council will also continue to step up to drive down the virus through local contact tracing and an expansion of testing.

“I recognise that there will continue to be a severe impact on many of our local businesses, particularly in the hospitality sector. We will continue to provide local support wherever possible.

“For those people who work in retail, entertainment and personal care, it is good news that they will be able to trade in the run up to Christmas. We encourage all our communities to shop local and support these businesses.

“Let’s keep going to support each other and turn this around.”

November 28, 2020
by Penny White


3 for £10

Grab this amazing deal for your child 5-8yo group session.
Valid for new members only, group sessions for Friday 4, 11 and 18 December 2020 at 4pm.
No experience needed, equipment will be provided. Limited availability.
Send us a message to book on
— at info@glanabertennisclub

Glan Aber Tennis Club

November 24, 2020
by Penny White


Local contact tracing launched in Cheshire West and Chester to stop the spread of COVID-19
A local contact tracing partnership has been launched in the fight against COVID-19 in west Cheshire.

Cheshire West and Chester Local Contact Tracing Partnership will start calling people who have tested positive for Coronavirus from Wednesday, 25 November.

Cheshire West and Chester Council has set up the partnership with NHS Test and Trace and Council company Qwest.

In this new partnership, the Council will contact any borough residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 which the national NHS Test and Trace service has not been able to contact within 24 hours.

Cllr Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, said: “Contact tracing is a vitally important part of the strategy to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the borough.

“Effective contact tracing is based on getting in touch with as many people who have tested positive as possible and getting in touch with them as quickly as possible after their test result.

“We know from information collected by NHS Test and Trace that as many as 30% of people are not contacted at all, and for a number of people it can take more than 48 hours before they hear from Test and Trace.

“Our new partnership will work closely with NHS Test and Trace to take responsibility for those residents, aiming to reach more of them and reach them more quickly to make sure people have the support they need to self-isolate.

“It’s about working together with our partners and residents, all playing our part to turn this around.”

Working directly with our Public Health team, specially trained contact centre staff will telephone residents to offer advice and guidance on how to self-isolate following a positive test result and ensure they have the support they need to do this successfully.

They will help residents identify anyone else who may also need to be advised to self-isolate and will make sure residents know how and when to access healthcare if they or their families develop more serious symptoms of COVID-19.

Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 – a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or change in your sense of smell or taste – should self-isolate immediately and book a test by calling: 119 or visiting: nhs.uk/coronavirus.

If you have symptoms you should self-isolate for 10 days unless you receive a negative test result. Anyone in your household should self-isolate for 14 days. They do not need to get a test unless they develop symptoms.

If you need support to self-isolate and do not have friends or family to help then you can call the Council’s helpline on: 0300 123 7031.

If you have online access you can visit: livewell.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk for information about support available in your community.

For more information about financial support, including help with council tax payments, financial and practical support or the Test and Trace support payment, and to find out if you are eligible, visit: cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/coronavirus and click on ‘how to get help’.