Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

June 27, 2020
by Jennifer Crew


Up to now, the only public toilets open in Chester have been the ones at the Bus Exchange, but our councillors have informed us that our local Public Conveniences will be re-opening on the following days:
Opening 27 June

Princess Street, Chester
The Groves and Grosvenor Park (including the changing places facility), Chester

Opening 3 July

Ellesmere Port town centre
Whitby Park, Ellesmere Port
Castle Park, Frodsham
Westminster Park, Chester
Sandy Lane, Chester
Stanney Fields, Neston
Marbury Park, Northwich


June 27, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

How to vote in our AGM

The Government’s requirements regarding Covid-19 have resulted in the cancellation of our AGM which should have been held on 15th April 2020.  However our Constitution states that we are obliged to hold an AGM within 15 months of the previous one and the WPRA committee invites all WPRA members to participate by nominating the Chair of WPRA, Jennifer Crew, as a proxy to vote on their behalf at the meeting which will be held at 8pm on 9th July 2020 at her home address by video/teleconference between the WPRA committee.

The business of the meeting will follow the published agenda and members are asked to vote on the appointment of new committee members, the re-election of current committee officers and general committee members and the acceptance of the 2019 accounts.

The proxy notice below should be completed and returned to Jennifer Crew in advance of the meeting.  Details for its return are included on the form.

Download (PDF, 266KB)

June 25, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Calling all budding young artists and writers!

Send us your entries for the WPRA LOCKDOWN SUMMER 2020 EXHIBITION

 To celebrate the achievements of the younger generation under lockdown, we would like to give our young people (up to the age of 18), the opportunity to showcase a piece of visual art, a film, a poem or a story that will be enjoyed by our community.

We are asking for contributions of works on the broad subject of ‘Lockdown’ which could, for example, include art inspired by this unprecedented time, art that has been created due to the opportunity to notice nature, or art demonstrating the development of new skills.

The ‘Lockdown’ exhibits will be displayed on the WPRA website, Facebook page and in the September issue of WP News.

Please send any contributions digitally by email to: chair@wp-ra.org.uk by Friday 31 July 2020.

Please also complete the attached form and send it to us with the contribution to confirm that WPRA has permission to publish the piece with the name and age of the child/student. This could just be a first name.

The committee reserves the right to select pieces that meet the objectives of the exhibition and, depending on the level of interest, may need to limit the amount of work that is exhibited.

We are looking forward very much to receiving your art work and having the opportunity to share it with our local community.

Download (DOCX, 16KB)

June 25, 2020
by Penny White


Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Road Closure
Welsh Road (Lache Lane) in Balderton, Chester
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to prohibit traffic on the following lengths of roads in Balderton to enable maintenance works to be carried out by Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Welsh Road (Lache Lane)
Nothing in the Order shall prevent driving upon the said lengths of road of any vehicle which is being used for the conveyance of persons goods or merchandise to or from any premises situate on or adjacent to the lengths of road or in connection with agriculture building construction works of repair and the like or use in an emergency of vehicles for fire brigade ambulance or police purposes. A through route will not always be available and any vehicles not requiring access to properties on the length of road should use alternative routes.
The closure will come into force on 27th July 2020 and will be in force for a maximum of five days. It is anticipated that the work will last for approximately five days.
For diversion route, please see attached plan
Kieran Collins (Ref TRO5109)
Place Operations, Highways Office, Guilden Sutton Lane, Guilden Sutton, Chester, Cheshire, CH3 7EX
Tel: 0300 123 7036
Email: engch@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
1 May 2020

June 25, 2020
by Dave Craggs

TRO5109 Welsh Road (Lache Lane) Balderton – Road Closure

Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Road Closure

Welsh Road (Lache Lane) in Balderton, Chester

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to prohibit traffic on the following lengths of roads in Balderton to enable maintenance works to be carried out by Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

Welsh Road (Lache Lane)

Nothing in the Order shall prevent driving upon the said lengths of road of any vehicle which is being used for the conveyance of persons goods or merchandise to or from any premises situate on or adjacent to the lengths of road or in connection with agriculture building construction works of repair and the like or use in an emergency of vehicles for fire brigade ambulance or police purposes. A through route will not always be available and any vehicles not requiring access to properties on the length of road should use alternative routes.

The closure will come into force on 27th July 2020 and will be in force for a maximum of five days. It is anticipated that the work will last for approximately five days.

For diversion route, please see attached plan

Kieran Collins (Ref TRO5109)

Place Operations, Highways Office, Guilden Sutton Lane, Guilden Sutton, Chester, Cheshire, CH3 7EX

Tel: 0300 123 7036

1 May 2020


June 20, 2020
by Penny White


The WPRA Committee including the four Officers need to be elected.
Any items you wish to discuss at the meeting need to be submitted to the Club Secretary: Penny White, c/o S J Bebbington shop, email: sec@wp-ra.org.uk by Thursday 25th June 2020.
If you wish to stand for the Committee, please submit a Nomination Form to the Secretary by Thursday 25th June 2020.

Positions available are Committee Honorary Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or General Committee Member (max of 12 in addition to Hon Officers).

Name of nominee: ________________________________________________
Committee position: ________________________________________________
Proposer: Name: ___________________________ Signature: _____________________
Seconder: Name: ___________________________ Signature: _____________________
I accept nomination: ___________________________________________ (Signature)
Tel No / email address: _____________________________________________

June 19, 2020
by Penny White

Chester is OPEN!

Chester is OPEN!
Over 200 businesses are now open and ready to welcome you back to Chester city centre. New safety and welcome measures are in place including queuing systems, enhanced cleaning, hand santiser stations, in store capacity limits, FREE PARKING and more!

This 10-step plan will make sure those of you who are ready to return to the city have as pleasant and safe an experience as possible.

We know that the decision to head to the shops is a personal one and that many people will not be ready to head out just yet. The #ChesterTogether Digital High Street Map has a new Plan Your Visit section as well as all the ways you can access the city from your sofa through delivery and takeaway services.

June 18, 2020
by Penny White


Many thanks to all who have already sent photos of their gardens for the Secret Gardens of Westminster Park Gallery.
You may be waiting for the rain to stop and it isn’t too late if you still want to send in some photos – please email them to me by the end of the weekend.
Two photos only please.