Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

June 18, 2020
by Penny White


Please find below the minutes of the WPRA AGM for 2019 before we hold this year’s AGM by videoconference on 9th July 2020. See latest WP News for full details.


Held at Westminster Park Community Centre on Tuesday 16th April 2019


Present: Pauline Brown, Jennifer Crew, Penny White, Sandra Magilton, Moir Cocker, Susan Eva, Gill Guyton, David Guyton, Jill Baynham-Hughes, Eliot Baynham-Hughes, Olwen Bellis, Richard Short, Brian Westcott, Christine Westcott, Betty McLoughlin, John Birks, Gloria Birks, Razia Daniels, Neil Sullivan, Nick Ryan, Keith Vernon plus one illegible signature. 22 in total.

Apologies: Sue Griffiths, Mary Pole, Sue Britton, Bob and Sue Speed, David Craggs, Peter Cocker.

2. Minutes of last year’s meeting: Agreed as a true record by those who attended.

3. Matters arising: A litter bin was placed by the bus stop outside the Nuffield Hospital very quickly and has made a great difference to the area.

4. Chairman’s Report
Thank you for attending this evening. I opened the previous AGM’s with the comment that the year had flown by and once again this is true.
We have experienced a busy year and our Community continue to thrive with, once again, lots of activities to report on:
Wrexham Road Housing Development has been approved and building work has commenced. We remain vigilant with planning permission now granted for Decoy Farm. The Sub-Committee will continue to monitor the situation and will report back through the newsletter, email and the website any significant news.
A meeting with the Heath Authorities is taking place regarding the local NHS provision on 15 May 2019 and Jennifer Crew and Brian Westcott will be attending. They will report back to the Committee following their meeting.
A development of 35 houses, Kings View (now Sherbourne Avenue) has been built and are all occupied.
Our local Councillors Neil Sullivan, Razia Daniels keep in regular touch as does our MP Chris Matheson and our Local PSCO is now Lauren Davies who we welcome back.
Our Annual Christmas event was again was a great success, well supported and much appreciated by the Community. Again, a big thank you to the Councillors for their continued financial support and to all the Committee Members who pull out the stops each year to organise the event. Our local businesses support the event with their generous donations of food and keeping their shops open and it is always a great pleasure to take the opportunity to meet them and introduce them to our visiting Dignitary opening the event. Our local primary school do an excellent job with Christmas carols and Father Christmas had a helper this this – an elf! I am not sure how we will top this in 2019 but am sure we will give it a good go. We have installed new lights in our trees and I am sure you agree that they look great through the festive season.
Our regular quiz evenings are always a sell out and are great way for us to fundraise for the Association and meet new people in the Community. Our next quiz night is 25 May 2019 so please get your tickets as soon as possible.
Evergreen and the Gardening Club continue to put on excellent, well supported events for the local community and once again, tribute to the organisers who come up with lively and interesting programmes.
Our Newsletter goes from strength to strength with the Editor, Jennifer Crew, doing a sterling job of keeping the content both interesting and relevant. Our volunteers hand deliver to each household and we couldn’t do it with their help.
On a sad note, we lost Kevin Eva, much loved husband of Susan Evan who is a long-standing Committee Meeting. Kevin was a great supporter at our events and helped with the delivery of the newsletter. He will be sadly missed.
Following pressure on the Council, we saw some trees trimmed at the end of Rowcliffe Avenue and the first grass cut happened yesterday.
I will not be standing for re-election as Chair this year. I have served in the role for 4 years and due to a busy work schedule would like to stand down but remain on the Committee if elected to do so.
A personal thank you, once again, to the Committee for their hard work serving the Community we live in. We are lucky to have dedicated people who are willing to help others.
Many thanks, once again for attending this evening and I am sure I will see you all again at one of our events.
Pauline Brown, Chairman

5. Treasurer’s report.
I would like to thank Nick Ryan for his continued support. As you know Nick was the Residents’ Association treasurer for many years and now has agreed to give his time as our Independent Examiner of the Annual Report for 2017/18. Thank you, Nick.
Subscriptions of £699 represents 349 members for 2017/18, this number is 47 lower than last year. A little disappointing as this represents just over 29% of the households in the Community. Donations were also down by £24.
The social events consisted of 2 quiz nights, both being very popular, which gave a surplus totalling £545. A big improvement on last year.
The ‘Best kept garden’ competition was again held with vouchers to the value of £70 being awarded. The Gardening Club continues with their annual bulb planting at a cost of £90. This was offset this year by a generous donation of £45.
The Christmas lights switch-on was well supported by our Residents, Councillors, School and local shops. The event was supported by a generous grant from our Councillors’ ‘Members Budget’ of £500.
‘Evergreen’ over-60 club continues to have a thriving programme of events and well attended by its 107 members. It is managed by an active team of hard-working committee members. A surplus of £465 is being carried forward for their future use.
Expenditure was slightly higher by £138 on last year, but increased advertising income has reduced this down from the previous year by £200.
Overall a surplus of £443 is carried forward with Bank and Cash balance standing at £2056
Sandra Magilton, Treasurer

6. Election of Officers and Committee Members: Jennifer Crew was proposed to stand as Chairman by Brian Westcott. This was seconded by Bob Tricklebank.
Pauline Brown has offered to replace her as Vice Chairman, the remainder of the Committee were happy to stay in place, ie Sandra Magilton (Treasurer), Penny White (Secretary), Jennifer Crew (Editor WP News), Dave Craggs (Website Co-ordinator), Brian Westcott, Olwen Bellis, Susan Eva, Richard Short, Sue Britton. The was proposed en bloc by Moir Cocker and seconded by Christine Westcott.
The comment was made that we need new committee members, younger and more males for balance.

7. AOB: The boundary of ‘Westminster Park’ needs to be redefined as in our Constitution it is given as ‘to the Herons Way Roundabout’ which will include the new houses. It was decided to review at some point after houses have been built and at a later point suggest residents form their own Residents’ Association.
Neil Sullivan suggested that the Residents’ Association and Councillors keep an eye on the development as there could be large sums of money available for the community. Boundaries will be changed on 2nd May and the new ward of Handbridge Park will include the new housing.
A number of Residents’ Associations in Chester are planning to form an affiliated group and we have been asked if we would like to be involved. Any affiliation would need an approval of a majority in a general meeting and probably an addition to our Constitution. The aim would be to improve communications to the Council on matters such as grass, homelessness, parking etc. It would also make us aware of other matters going on in the city. This was agreed that we would follow this up. More details will follow in the Newsletter and if necessary a General Meeting will be held.
Proposed by Brian Westcott, seconded by Colin Dollimore.
Eliot Baynham Hughes commented on what a shame new residents in Sherbourne Avenue are not present.
Christine Westcott mentioned the next Gardening Club meeting.
The Summer Fayre will be held on 22nd June. Tracey Casey is organising this. This is a Community Association activity.
Colin pointed out that the membership of the Residents’ Association is approx 30% of residents and suggested a structured campaign to increase membership such as knocking on people’s doors. 2019 numbers are increasing. Maybe set up a team to knock on doors, try something different, perhaps try to recruit at the Christmas event?
Keith Vernon asked for an update on Wrexham Road Development. It was explained that this is now approved and going ahead. The Atkins Traffic Study on traffic consequences is completed but the report appears to be held back as traffic has increased. The development will be built over 15 years. There will be changes to the Overleigh Roundabout and the M&S roundabout however the Grosvenor Bridge remains single lane. An upgrade is required at the sewage plant, Welsh Water has done a survey, developer accepted and work will be done. The developer will pay for the upgrade of the sewage works.
Olwen mentioned that Steve the chef was double booked for the night of the quiz, however Olwen and Sandra will be assisting.

The meeting ended at 9pm.

June 16, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Information regarding the 61/62 Bus service between Westminster Park and Chester City centre

We have received some questions about our local bus service into the city and have been given the following advice by the Council:

  • The 61/62 bus service is operating to its normal timetable.
  • All passengers have to wear a face covering – from Monday 15th June it will be a condition of travel.  People failing to do so may be refused travel.
  • Carrying capacity has been reduced on buses to about 20% of normal. Buses on this service are 29 seaters, so the maximum carrying capacity observing social distancing measures will be about 6.  If the bus is full to its new capacity, then it will not stop.
  • Frodsham Street will be closed for a temporary period from 15th June to allow for social distancing. Therefore passengers returning from Chester on this service will need to board at Chester Bus Interchange stand B or at the bus stop at the top of Lower Bridge Street.

June 16, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Guidance on the re-opening of Chester for non-essential retail shopping

In recent weeks the Chester Residents’ Associations Group (CRAG) has been working with CWaC and CH1BID to ensure that Chester is a safe and welcoming place for residents and visitors. For those of you who have not ventured into the city for some time it will have quite a different look and feel, with widened pavements to allow for social-distancing/frontage queuing  and a one-way system on the rows. A multi-disciplinary ‘Welcome Team’ will be walking the streets and are a first point of contact for any queries when you arrive in the city.

Please see the attached CWaC and CH1BID Chester re-opening guide.

Also, there is a digital map on the CH1BID website  http://experiencechester.co.uk/chestertogether/

If you click on the drop-down menu and select ‘Plan Your Visit’ it shows pedestrian traffic flow, the location of public hand-sanitiser station (entrance to market) and public toilets (bus interchange).

Please note that this is the ONLY public-toilet that will be open.  Also, whilst many coffee shops and cafes are doing takeaway, they currently have no useable toilet facilities. Therefore plan your visit accordingly particularly if you have children, or anyone has a relevant medical condition.

This is a part of a phased opening of the high-street, with eagerly awaited hospitality sector to follow (hopefully) next month. The next few weeks and months will impact on the success of the high-street long beyond the summer, and so residents are being encouraged to shop safely.

Download (PDF, 267KB)

Happy shopping!


June 11, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Could you spare a few hours to help in a charity shop?

From Monday 15 June, charity shops will start re-opening across the borough.  They will need help to get back up and running as many of their existing volunteers may still be shielding.

You can sign up here as a volunteer if you have retail experience, customer service skills, have managed teams or just want to help out.

June 11, 2020
by Jennifer Crew



Share your ideas on overcoming the challenges of COVID-19 and building a stronger future

Cheshire West and Chester Council has launched Stronger Futures – an engagement exercise to give everyone the chance to share ideas about how we overcome the challenges of COVID-19 and build a stronger future.

Throughout the pandemic people have acted together to do the right thing and support each other. We want that to continue so communities can emerge from the pandemic stronger. Please get involved and share your ideas:

  • What does a stronger future mean to you?
  • Which challenges do you think are most important to focus on to build a stronger future?
  • How do you think the Council and your community can help build a stronger future?

Take part here – Stronger Futures 


May 29, 2020
by Penny White


A message from Razia Daniels, our Councillor:
Good Afternoon Everyone
I hope you and your family are well.
The fortnightly kerbside garden waste collection service will resume in west Cheshire on Thursday 4 June 2020.
It was suspended in March at the start of the coronavirus pandemic lockdown as staff sickness levels in the workforce increased, and this decision ensured the domestic waste and recycling service could continue to operate as normal.
Staff sickness levels have fallen in recent weeks and more staff are now available to collect residents’ garden waste in addition to providing the usual service.
Collections will return to the previously advertised schedule. Residents are asked not to overfill their bins or leave side garden waste, as they are not be able to collect any garden waste that is not in the green bin.
Please put your green bin out by 7am on your normal scheduled collection day.
They can only empty your garden waste container once on your scheduled collection day. Excess garden waste can be composted, taken to your nearest recycling centre or placed into your garden waste container ready for the next scheduled collection.
Household waste and recycling collections will continue as normal. They will continue to monitor the national COVID risk rating, infection rate, and the continued availability of staff in the weeks to come to ensure they can continue to run all services while ensuring staff safety.
I hope this information is helpful but if you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Take Care and Stay Safe
Many Thanks
Best Wishes
Cllr Razia Daniels
Shadow Cabinet Member for Children and Families
Home – 01244 312392
Mobile – 07481 234411
Twitter – @CllrRDaniels

Cllr Razia Daniels


May 27, 2020
by Penny White


I am not aware of any changes to the ‘shopping list’ that serves Westminster Park, but the ‘experiencechester.co.uk’ website, our digital high street, has been updated with businesses reopening, delivery services, car park info etc. Worth a look if you are thinking of heading into town.

May 23, 2020
by Penny White

The Secret Gardens of Westminster Park

The Secret Gardens of Westminster Park
Many of us have spent more time in our gardens than ever before. They are weeded, planted, clipped and watered to perfection … but we can’t invite anyone in to show them off.

And so to remedy this we are asking for photos – no more than two per garden – and these will be available to view online in the Westminster Park Residents Association Gallery as from Saturday 27 June.

Please send your photos to Mary Pole at pole.mary@gmail.com before Friday 19 June.
Remember, no more than two per garden and these can also include wildlife that visits your garden.

We will display as many as we can but may be constrained by the available digital storage space. No names or addresses will be displayed – the gardens will remain ‘Secret’.

Looking forward to seeing all your lovely gardens.

Westminster Park Gardening Club

May 11, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Don’t know how to keep your teenagers interested in learning?

Get them to try some free online courses for 13 + students

FutureLearn Schools offers free access to hundreds of online educational courses for school students aged 13+, to continue and expand their learning.  The courses vary from creating computer games to maths puzzles to finding out about the universe – there’s something for everyone.

Find out more about FutureLearn Schools, and get involved here.