Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

May 10, 2020
by Penny White


Westminster Park certainly know how to party, even in lockdown! Thanks to Annemarie and Niall Macfadyen who cycled around the estate on their tandem taking photos of the celebrations going on. Their photos are on our Facebook page and we hope to post them here in due course. Well done all!

May 9, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

VE Day Quiz Answers


  1. Winston Churchill
  2. 15.8.1945
  3. Clement Attlee
  4. Dwight Eisenhower
  5. Harry S Truman
  6. Harry S Truman
  7. Trafalgar Square , The Mall and outside Buckingham Palace
  8. Leonard Spencer
  9. No not until 1946
  10. 1953- just in time for the Coronation!
  11. No , but they were often in short supply
  12. Meat in 1954
  13. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  14. Mein Kamph
  15. 7/12/1941
  16. Operation Overlord
  17. Glenn Miller
  18. Major
  19. 28
  20. ‘My son, my son’ in 1954.

May 7, 2020
by Dave Craggs


Due to Cornonavirus and social distancing the ‘Street Party’ I planned to organise at the Community Centre on Friday afternoon unfortunately cannot go ahead.  That does not mean we cannot enjoy celebrating V.E. Day.  Observing social distancing we can have our own ‘Street Party’ right here in our front gardens.

Weather permitting, bring out the tables and chairs, put up the bunting, blow up balloons, bring out the spam sandwiches, cakes, scones, tea or whatever you fancy and at 3.00p.m. let’s  toast a thank you to all those who gave so much for our freedom today.

Hope you will al have an enjoyable day.

Sandra Magilton


(Simple bunting can be made from photo copier or coloured A4 paper folded to corner, trimmed and decorated as you wish. Staple onto string, tape or alternatively, fold coloured or white napkins over tape and staple.  Hey presto!)


May 6, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Can you do our VE Day Quiz?

Our resident quizmaster Colin Dollimore has put together a quiz to keep you entertained on VE Day.  Here are the questions.  The answers will be posted on Friday evening (or Saturday morning if I forget!)  Good luck!


1 Who was the British Prime Minister on VE DAY ?

2 What was the date of VJ day ?

3 Who was the British Prime Minister on VJ day ?

4 Which American was Supreme Allied Commander in Europe ?

5 Who was the US President on VE day  ?

6 Who was the US President on VJ day ?

7 Where did the main people’s party take place on VE day ?

8 What were Winston Churchill’s middle names ?

9 Was bread rationed in WW2 ?

10 When did sweet rationing end?

11 Were fruit and vegetables rationed ?

12 What was the last item to be de-rationed ?

13 In which two Japanese cities were nuclear bombs detonated in August 1945 ?

14 Adolf Hitler predicted WW2 in his memoirs published in 1925. What were they called ?

15 On what date was Pearl Harbour attacked by the Japanese ?

16 What was the codename for the D-Day invasion.

17 Which American first recorded ‘American Patrol ‘ ?

18 What rank did Glenn Miller attain in the Army/Airforce Band ?

19 How old was Vera Lynn on VE day ?

20 What was Vera Lynn’s only charted No 1 single in the UK ?

May 6, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Help Belgrave Primary School to create a rainbow

You may have already noticed that Belgrave Primary School pupils have been tying different coloured ribbons onto their school fence to spread positivity at this time.  So many pupils with their families, friends and even their dogs have joined in the challenge to make Belgrave a brilliant colourful rainbow! This is to help cheer people up and also to show thanks for all those working so hard.

They are inviting you to share with them in their challenge and tie a ribbon to their school fence. Let’s see how many we can get!

May 5, 2020
by Penny White


It will come as no surprise that we have had to cancel the Summer Fayre that was planned for 27th June due to the Covid-19 situation. Stallholders who had offered to attend have been informed.
If it is possible to hold an event on Saturday 15th August to celebrate VJ Day and the 75th anniversary of the end of WW2 we will.
Watch this space!

May 5, 2020
by Dave Craggs

Christian Aid Week

Next Sunday, May 10th, marks the start of Christian Aid Week. Normally a small army of volunteers would be popping those little red envelopes through letterboxes in your area, inviting people to donate. Last year the people of Chester gave £20,220, which was a brilliant total.

Because of Covid-19 house-to-house collections have had to be cancelled, but Christian Aid Week itself has not been, and the needs of the world’s poorest are as great as ever. There are four secure ways for people to donate if they wish to:

The Chester Christian Aid Committee has set up a Just Giving Page with the link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chesterchristianaidweek2020

or people can send a cheque made out to ‘Christian Aid’ to the Committee’s Treasurer, the Revd. Brian Holroyd, 23, Toft Close, Chester CH4 8PX

or they can ring a dedicated phone line: 0808 0006 006

or to give £5 they can text 70040 GIVE

It is tough for all of us at present, and very tough for some. But the local Partners of Christian Aid work with some of the world’s very poorest people, and they desperately need our support. Some people will not have anything to spare, but if you can give, then THANK YOU!

Trevor Dennis (Chair of the Chester Christian Aid Committee)

May 4, 2020
by Jennifer Crew

Join in our VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebration, 3pm Friday 8th May

Decorate your house in red, white and blue and get ready to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8 May!

The ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2’ will take place at 3pm when, from the safety of our own homes and gardens, we are urged to stand up and raise a glass of refreshment making the following ‘Toast’ – “To those who gave so much, we thank you.”  This is a tribute to the many millions at home and abroad who gave so much to ensure that we all enjoy and share the freedom we have today.

We hope that everyone in the area will join with us and follow up the toast with a picnic in our front gardens/drives. 

May 4, 2020
by Dave Craggs

Giving Blood

We need our dedicated blood donors to continue to support us by coming out to donate if you are fit and well.

We may be asking you to travel further than normal to donate, but travel to a clinic is classed as essential.

We would not be able to continue to save and improve lives without you.
