Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

October 3, 2019
by Dave Craggs

Gardening Club – Autumn Talk Beautiful Bulbs

Wednesday, 9 October 2019, 8 pm.

Autumn Talk.

Beautiful Bulbs

Our speaker is Carol Madden. Carol has been giving talks for a number of years. She photographs the plants growing in her garden and takes into account the fact that people attending the talk are wanting to learn but don’t want to be lectured at!  ‘Beautiful Bulbs’ covers bulbs for 12 months of the year.

Community Centre. Tickets: £4 at the door.

Bar, light refreshments, plant and seed swap.

All WP residents welcome.

Hope to see you on the 9th.

Mary Pole

October 1, 2019
by Dave Craggs

‘Evergreen’ 55+ Club

The next meeting at the Westminster Park Community Centre is Thursday 17th October, 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

Our speaker is from the Great Budworth Ice Creamery who is going to give us a talk on “Cow to Cone”

October 1, 2019
by Dave Craggs

Update on Chester Northgate Development

Cheshire West and Chester Council is continuing its site investigations in preparation for the Northgate development. We would like to make you aware of works taking place in the Northgate area.

Starting from 30 September a number of small trial pits will be dug along Hunter Street, Princess Street and St Martin’s Way to confirm the location of services such as gas, electric and BT.

Work will impact the footpath in places and there’ll be temporary closure of the access footpath ramp linking Hunter Street to St Martin’s Way. Diversion signs for pedestrians will be in place.

We aim to keep disruption to a minimum by digging 3 or 4 trial pits at a time. The work will take place between normal working hours and will be completed in approximately two to three weeks. Access to your property/business and the Market Car Park will not be affected.

Shopper Hopper

Whilst Princess Street works take place, the Shopper Hopper stop outside the Forum entrance will be moved a short distance down Princess Street. There’ll be signage at the stop to direct passengers.

We apologise for any disruption this work may cause. If you have any concerns, or would like to discuss further, then please contact me.

Linda Parr

Major Developments Project Officer

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Tel: 01244 977399

Location: 3rd Floor, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE

Web: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

July 1, 2019
by Dave Craggs

Karate in Westminster Park

We have had karate classes in Westminster Park since January 2012.

The classes run on Wednesdays at the Community Centre and Saturdays at the Scout Hall.

We are always looking for new members, beginners are very welcome. We also encourage families to train together so you can share your karate journey.

Karate is a bit like riding a bike, if you have done it before it comes back quite quickly, often it’s fitness and flexibility that needs the most work.

We are part of the KUGB one of the largest shotokan karate organisations in UK. The KUGB has been running for over 50 years and has clubs all over the country.

If you want to find out more, contact Dave Craggs on 07711009041. Or you can use the contact form.

Or you can check out the following websites: West Cheshire Shotokan Karate or Handbridge Shotokan Karate Club


June 24, 2019
by Jennifer Crew

What a great day!

The weather was perfect for the Westminster Park Summer Fayre and we are so grateful to everyone who came to make it a huge success!  Here are a few photos from the day.

June 19, 2019
by Dave Craggs
1 Comment


Westminster Park are holding their Summer Fayre on Saturday 22nd June between 1.30-5pm and we hope to see lots of residents with their family and friends attending to join in the fun.  Even the weather forecast is looking promising!

If anyone can spare a bit of time to help us set up things from 12 noon at the Community Centre and on the School Field behind it would be greatly appreciated.   This is a fun event that all the community take part in, from the Belgrave school children to local pensioners, let’s join together to make is a huge success!