January 2, 2019
by Jennifer Crew
The plans for 1300 houses and flats and their associated infrastructure on Wrexham Road will be considered by CWAC’s planning Committee on Tuesday 8 January 2019. The planning report for this development was issued on 22 December by the council.
Westminster Park Residents’ Association has asked Councillor Neil Sullivan to request a deferral of the decision to a meeting later in January to allow councillors and local people time to study the lengthy and detailed planning report. We await a response from the planning committee.
Also for consideration at this meeting is the construction of an Ecological Mitigation Area for the translocation of Great Crested Newts and other amphibians which currently inhabit the many ponds on the development site.
It is not too late to comment on the plans (See here). This is the link to the planning reports:
There are still considerable flaws in the plans, particularly relating to anticipated levels of traffic. Drainage and flooding is also a great concern. We are also very disappointed that the plans do not address the housing needs of a growing elderly population.
Do ensure that you copy your comments across all applications:
17/02444/FUL Construction of Ecological Mitigation Area
17/02453/OUT 483 dwellings and infrastructure
17/05200/FUL 786 dwellings and infrastructure
The planning committee meeting at 4pm on Tuesday 8 January is open to the public and is also live on webcam if you want to follow events.