November 26, 2018
by Dave Craggs
The Garden Club has had another successful year. Our Spring meeting on “Edible Landscaping “and our Autumn meeting on “Making the most of your garden space” were each attended by between 20 and 30 residents including a core of regular stalwarts.
Unfortunately we have had to raise our charge to members from £3 to £4 per meeting to meet the increased costs of attracting good speakers.
We are keen to attract new supporters to our meetings. We cater for all types of gardener from the novice to the aspiring Monty Dons.
Any ideas to assist in doing so would be appreciated.
Three trips were organised during the year – Bodnant Gardens, Bodrhyddan Hall and the Shrewsbury Flower Show.
The numbers who commit to our trips is highly variable and as such we have adopted a self drive, car share policy.
In the summer the Garden Club Committee members ran a plants stall at the Belgrave School summer fayre. This was well supported and proceeds have been forwarded to the WPRA treasurer.
Committee members also thoroughly enjoyed judging the Belgrave pupils plant competition.
At the end of October Club members planted a further 600 crocus corms in front of the WP shops and yet more daffodils. This year we focused on two sites, the first on Vincent Drive and the second on Rowcliffe Avenue. Both these plantings were at local residents request.
Whilst we have lots of ideas for further plantings we are also keen to receive site suggestions from WP residents.
We are currently finalising our program for the Gardening Clubs 10th year. We are planning the following activities:
Our Spring talk is set for Wednesday 24th April. We hope to have a talk from Stephen Gore, the head gardener from Stretton Old Hall near Malpas. We are then proposing to follow this talk up with a visit to the gardens later in the year.
Our Autumn talk is provisionally set for Wednesday 9th October and we hope will be by Carol Madden who will talk on “Beautiful Bulbs”.
In addition to the trip to Stretton Old Hall Gardens we are also planing two further outings:
13th June : Laskett Gardens near Ross on Wye. These fascinating gardens have been created by Sir Roy Strong and his late wife Julia Trevelyan Oman and are now managed by Perennial , the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society. Whilst it is possible to do this as a day trip some may wish to make it an overnight trip to maximise time in these delightful gardens.
22nd September; Powis Castle: The gardens are well worth a trip in the Autumn. The gardens and Castle are National Trust and as such are free to Trust members.
Belgrave School are planning to repeat of their garden competition for the pupils in 2019 and we have offered to judge entries. We also plan to run a Club stall at a summer fayre if possible.
Garden Club Committee : Mandy Butler, Mary Pole, Mike Pollard, Christine Robinson