Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

October 3, 2016
by Dave Craggs

Westminster Park Residents’ Association Press Release Monday 3 October 2016



Better quality development results from planning intervention

Despite spirited opposition from the Westminster Park Residents’ Association (WPRA) and Handbridge Park councillors Razia Daniels and Neil Sullivan, the appeal into the planning application for housing at the end of Sherbourne Avenue has been allowed.

Disappointed Chair of WPRA, Pauline Brown commented, “We have opposed this scheme because it is a piecemeal development and should be part of the wider Wrexham Road site plan. We are pleased however, that our objections have resulted in an improvement to the original scheme, with a reduction in the number of houses to be built from 41 to 31. This change will lead to a much higher quality development.”

Representations by Westminster Park Residents’ Association at the appeal also highlighted concerns about education, drainage, ecology and traffic in the area.

Local residents believe that the traffic implications of the development, both during and after construction, are very worrying.

“This site is extremely close to existing housing and to Belgrave Primary School, and the only access will be through the Westminster Park estate past the school. Deliveries of building materials and equipment will all have to go past the school entrance – this is going to put children and parents in great danger at drop-off and pick-up times in particular,” said Pauline Brown.

“In the longer term, we will have 50 plus extra cars driving through the estate on already busy roads, adding to the tailbacks on Lache Lane. Cheshire West and Chester Council do not seem to have considered the practicalities of this scheme when they approved it,” she added.

Local parents are worried about the impact that the new scheme will have on their ability to get their children into Belgrave Primary School. Cheshire West and Chester Council is proposing that any children living in the new houses should go to Lache Primary School, nearly a mile away, as Belgrave is full to capacity at present.

“This does not seem to have been worked out on a practical basis at all,” said Pauline Brown. “You cannot expect a four year old child to walk a mile to school in the morning. The new school proposed as part of the Wrexham Road development will not be built for many years, so where will these children go?”

There are also huge concerns about the impact of the building works on drainage in the area, as it is already subject to flooding.

“This site has a heavy clay subsoil which is about 10 feet deep, so when we have any heavy rain the water stays on the surface. We are very worried that when building work starts, surface water will flood our homes and gardens. It is very important that further work is done, before and during construction, to ensure that this water can be managed without causing damage to our homes,” stressed Lisa Sawyer, a resident whose house backs onto the Sherbourne Avenue site.

A pond situated close to the site is known to be home to great crested newts, as do several others in the larger site to be developed later. Local residents are concerned that when building starts on the site, the newts will not be able to move between the different ponds.
“At the moment the ponds in this area are situated in rough grassland, which allows the newts to move from one pond to another. When this development goes ahead, the newts in the pond near Sherbourne Avenue are going to have to cross a tarmac road to get to the other ponds. This does not seem to have been thought through properly,” said Pauline Brown.

For more information, please contact:
Jennifer Crew, Editor, Westminster Park Residents’ Association
Tel: 07752 854383

September 29, 2016
by Dave Craggs

Governor Vacancy at Belgrave Primary School October 2016

The school would welcome applications in writing for the position of Local Authority Governor. The school’s constitution includes one LA governor, 4 parent governors, 5 co-opted governors and 2 staff governors.

The governing body works together to further the best interests of the school and to carry out these roles the governors have taken on specific responsibilities by agreement with the governing body. Examples of these roles are: early years, curriculum, finance, buildings, safeguarding, health and safety and special needs. The school arranges induction training for new governors and there is a training programme that is available for all governors throughout their term of office.

The school benefits from having governors with a wide range of skills and attributes and is hoping to recruit a person who will be able to contribute to our existing team. We are particularly interested in having a governor who has time to dedicate to the role and would wish to be part of the school community. Experience has shown that all governors need a strong commitment to improving outcomes for children, the inquisitiveness to question and analyse, and the willingness to learn.

The full governing body meets three times a year (once a term) and in addition each of our two committees meets termly. The two main committees are: Resources and Curriculum and Ethos. The dates for the meetings are set at the beginning of the year and our meetings are clerked by a professional clerk to governors.

LA governors can be nominated from a political party although this is not necessary. LA governors can declare that they do not have a political affiliation. The LA can nominate an eligible person and a governing body can recommend that the LA consider a nomination. Then it is the responsibility of the governors to appoint a nominee which will be dependent on the skills and attributes of the nominee.

Please have a look at our website to read about our Governing Body and find out more about the school. You will not need a log in to view the public pages.

If you would be interested in this position please contact the head teacher or the chair of governors. Applications should be submitted by Friday 28th October 2016.

Head Teacher
Deanne Garratt
01244 981151
Belgrave Primary School,
Five Ashes Road,
Chair of Governors
Mark Bland

September 15, 2016
by Dave Craggs

Gardening club meeting

Wednesday, 12 October, 8 pm.

Autumn Talk.

Bugs, Slugs, Spots and Rots.

A very entertaining talk by our speaker, John Scrace, a well-known plant pathologist. Community Centre. Tickets: £3 at the door.

Bar, light refreshments, plant swap. All WP residents welcome.

April 8, 2016
by Dave Craggs


The government proposes to cut funding for Pharmacy in 2016/17.  There is a clear intention to reduce the number of pharmacies and acknowledge that the independents will be ‘squeezed’, which could well effect our pharmacy in Westminster Park.

We are fortunate in our Community to have a very caring and vital service. Do not let us lose it.  Please call into the pharmacy and sign the petition.  Our community support is essential to ensure we keep our local pharmacy.


Sandra Magilton (677373)

January 26, 2016
by Mary Pole

Gardening Club programme for 2016

Gardening Club
Now in its seventh year, the Gardening Club is well established in the community. The aim of this Club is to stimulate a knowledge and love of gardening. All members of the Westminster Park Residents Association are welcome to attend – after all, most residents have gardens and enjoy making their plot look attractive.

Our meetings are publicised via the WPRA Newsletter, the WPRA website and posters on the community notice boards. Unless stated otherwise, meetings are held at the Community Centre.
We have been lucky to have knowledgeable speakers who have covered a variety of topics including garden design, plants for small plots, productive gardening and the art of compost making. We also have a summer outing to an inspirational garden and our trips have included David Austin Roses, Wollerton Old Hall, Bluebell Cottage Gardens, Dorothy Clive Garden and Mount Pleasant.
We have regular plant swaps and can usually go home with something new and interesting from a neighbour’s garden.

Winter and spring
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
An Evening with Christine Walkden.
The Life and Times of a Gardener, followed by a Q&A session with cheese and wine.
Gardener, horticulturist, broadcaster and lecturer. Organised by Burton and Rossett Horticultural Society at Darland High School, Chester Road, Rossett, LL12 0DL.
Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start.
Tickets £12 each from Mary Pole,
marypole@zcl-uk.net, 674439

Friday, 26 February 2016. Garden Visit.*
Snowdrops at Rode Hall.
Church Lane, Scholar Green, Cheshire ST7 3QP.
Meet in the tea room at 12.30 for lunch, followed by a self-guided mile-long walk to see over fifty different varieties of snowdrops in the magnificent setting of Rode’s Humphry Repton landscape. £5 entrance (lunch not included in this price).

Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 8 pm. Spring Talk. Growing and showing herbs.
Our speaker is Malcolm Dickson from Hooksgreen Herbs. He promises to have herbs for sale after his talk.
Community Centre. Tickets: £3 at the door.
Bar, light refreshments, plant swap. All WP residents welcome.

Sunday, 3 July 2016. Garden Visit.*
Stonyford Cottage Garden.
Stonyford Lane, Cuddington, Northwich, Cheshire, CW8 2TF.
The Gardens have been lovingly created over 35 years and have been on ‘Gardeners World’, chosen as one of the Top Ten Spring Gardens in the Telegraph and is one of Cheshire’s Gardens of Distinction. The vast array of plantings and beautifully created borders are a ‘must see’ for the garden lover. Our visit starts at 1 pm and will include a one-hour guided tour and cream tea: a warm scone, fresh cream and strawberry jam with tea or coffee – all for £9.

Saturday, 9 July 2016. Community Fayre.
All donations of plants for our regular stall at the Westminster Park Community Fayre will be very gratefully received.
Held at the Community Centre.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016. Garden Visit.*
The Garden House, Erbistock, LL13 ODL.
Just over 5 acres of world famous gardens housing the National Collection of Hydrangeas. We meet at 2.30 pm for a guided tour and light refreshments. Entrance £6.

* Garden Visits
If you plan to attend any of the garden visits, please contact Mary Pole: marypole@zcl-uk.net, 674439.
We like to car-share where possible.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 8 pm. Autumn Talk. Bugs, Slugs, Spots and Rots.
A very entertaining talk by our speaker, John Scrace, a well-known plant pathologist. Community Centre. Tickets: £3 at the door.
Bar, light refreshments, plant swap. All WP residents welcome.

Front Garden Competition.
Each year the WPRA awards a small prize for the best looking front gardens. This year our theme will be autumn colours.

Bulb planting programme.
The Gardening Club will continue its programme of bulb planting throughout Westminster Park estate.

If you know of an area that would benefit from some spring colour, please let us know.
We will be looking for volunteers to help plant the bulbs during October.