Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

October 29, 2015
by Dave Craggs


What is Rotary? Established all over the world, Rotary brings people together to take on important, sustainable, long-term projects across the world such as water and sanitation, basic education and literacy, economic and community development. A key project however has been its involvement in the eradication of polio in 122 countries, where Rotarians have contributed money and countless volunteer hours to help immunise more than 2 billion children against the disease. These are to name just a few of the many initiatives of Rotary International, but Rotary is very active in national and local communities too.

Chester Riverside Rotary…. Who are we? The group was formed a year ago as a satellite of the Hawarden Rotary Club . Having gained our Charter in June this year, we are now an autonomous, all- inclusive club…males and females of varying ages and backgrounds, with diverse jobs or retirement schedules, with a variety of interests and experience. Our common aim is to harness energy and goodwill and to put all this to good effect by raising awareness and money to help others in our area, the CH4 community ( Handbridge, Curzon Park, Saltney and, of course, Westminster Park). You may have come across Chester Riverside at the Summer Fayres last summer and this July, at the Christmas Fayre in the Community Centre last December, or have been some of the many local people who contributed so generously to the recent Garden Party in August or the Race Night in November.

Quiz evenings, race nights, a pumpkin-carving competition, a zip-wire challenge and a barbecue are a few of the fundraising activities of our first year when we supported HaNC (Head and Neck Cancer), Dial House in Chester (Disability advice Centre) and the Neuro Therapy Centre in Saltney . Whilst maintaining contact with these, our main charities for this current Rotary year (July 15– June 16 ) are the Alzheimer’s Society and BIRD (Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Development), a charity based in Eccleston ,which offers treatment and hope to children and adults suffering from any brain injury or developmental difficulty.

Alongside all this, we have fun….in conversations, listening to the experience of others by way of invited speakers and social evenings.

Where are we? We meet on Wednesday evenings 7 – 8pm at the Handbridge Inn, but hope to have occasional meetings in the other areas of CH4. Though we meet weekly, there is no commitment to attend every week, as we all juggle our busy lives and have other demands on our time.

Could you do join us? Anyone is welcome to come along to any of our Wednesday evening meetings and get the feel of what we are doing. You might decide that joining is not for you but, perhaps you might like to help out at events occasionally when we need some extra manpower! Whatever you could offer as we build our club, would be most appreciated and we are sure that you would enjoy your involvement.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported our efforts thus far. Please continue to support your CH4 Rotary club, Chester Riverside. Watch out for our notifications of upcoming events which we will post on the local noticeboards, on the Westminster Park websites, or you can find more detail on facebook.com/rotarych4   or   take a look at our video on Youtube.

I can also be contacted on 07804 252244 so please feel free to call for more information.

Jane Monro

President – Chester Riverside Rotary Club

September 24, 2015
by Dave Craggs

Sherbourne Avenue Planning Application

If you wish to view or comment on the planning application re Sherbourne Avenue explanation how is detailed below:


15/03642/FUL | Erection of 41 no. dwellings, associated roads, car parking and landscape works – Resubmission of application 15/00346/FUL. | Land At End Of Sherbourne Avenue Chester Cheshire



Under Simple: key in application no. 15/03642/FUL and press Search or

to view original application key in application no. 15/0346/FUL and press Search

If you wish to Save search, Track or Make Comment you will need to register.

Website not easy to follow so if having problems a visual step by step guide or a more detailed explanation are both available below


Planning@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk quoting 15/03642/FUL, your name and address plus object or support.


Planning Department

fao Ms Gail Etheridge

Cheshire West & Cheshire Council

HQ, Nicholas Street

Chester, CH1 2NP

Download (PDF, 473KB)

Download (PDF, 1.13MB)


September 14, 2015
by Dave Craggs

Wrexham Road Development

The application by Milne Homes to build 41 homes at the end of Sherbourne Avenue, which was previously turned down by the Council, has been re-submitted.

Details can be found at http://pa.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/online-applications/ and quoting 15/03642/FUL. Responses need to be made by 6th October.

We hope individuals will submit their own comments and WPRA intends to make a collective response. In order to formulate this and give everyone a chance to contribute their ideas, we are holding a meeting in the Community Centre at 8:00 pm on Wednesday, 23 September.

Please come along.

                                           Brian Westcott

                                           Chairman, WPRA

September 8, 2015
by Dave Craggs

Sherbourne Avenue Planning Application

We have just received this from Razia Daniels:


our reference: please ask for: date:
15/03642/FUL Miss Gail Etheridge 8 September 2015
01244 977709

Dear Councillor

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Proposal:  Erection of 41 no. dwellings, associated roads, car parking and landscape works – Amendment to application 15/00346/FUL.

Location:  Land At End Of Sherbourne Avenue Chester Cheshire

Consultation end date and call in cut off date: 6 October 2015

Ward: Handbridge Park

I am writing to inform you that an application has been received in respect of the development described above. Any neighbour notifications relating to this application will be issued via second class post today

The link for viewing the application details is:


and on the search screen you should enter 15/03642/FUL in the application number field.

Please note that where an expiry date falls on a Bank Holiday the expiry date will be the next working day.

Members are advised that should they wish an application to be considered by Planning Committee then they must notify the case officer by email or letter on or before the call-in cut off date above. The request must clearly state the planning reasons for the referral to the Planning Committee and will be published on the Council’s website.

Members are however encouraged to contact the case officer either by e-mail or telephone to discuss any concerns they have about a particular proposal before finally confirming that they would wish the application to be considered by a Planning Committee.

Yours faithfully

Miss Gail Etheridge

Planning Officer



August 24, 2015
by Dave Craggs


Our next session in the Community Centre is Thursday 20th August, 2.00 – 3.30p..m

Our guest speaker on this occasion is Carolyn Barnwell, who is going to talk to us on ‘Family History’. Carolyn is very knowledgeable on this subject and this promises to be an interesting and informative session.

Complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be available as usual.

Look forward to seeing many of you joining us.
Sandra Magilton
‘Evergreen’ Committee

August 10, 2015
by Dave Craggs


Our next session in the Community Centre is Thursday 20th August, 2.00 – 3.30pm

Our guest speaker on this occasion is Carolyn Barnwell, who is going to talk to us on ‘Family History’. Carolyn is very knowledgeable on this subject and this promises to be an interesting and informative session.

Complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be available as usual. Look forward to seeing many of you joining us.

Sandra Magilton ‘Evergreen’ Committee