Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

March 17, 2015
by Dave Craggs

The Committee was updated on the Wrexham Road Development, which for Westminster Park residents means that it has been agreed to release land from the Green Belt on Wrexham Road for housing. The first phase will be completed by end of 2019. A plan on developing the site will be produced in the next six months and residents are urged to become involved to give input to minimise the impact for residents with regard to traffic, education etc.

The Treasurer reported that funds are healthy and subs for 2015 are coming in.

Thanks were given for all the work on the Christmas lights and festivities/

The March edition of the Newsletter is being put together by an editorial team but we still have a vacancy for an editor.

Evergreens continue to thrive with memberships being renewed for 2015.

The Gardening Club has a programme of meetings and events for 2015.

The state of paths, pavements and roads was raised and will be raised with Councillors. There was a note from PCSO Fox regarding the nails on Rowcliffe Avenue which is being investigated by the Police.

Regarding the two empty shops, the fast food outlet is under offer and close to exchange and various possibilities are being explored for the other unit.

A meeting was held regarding the two Care in the Community houses in Vincent Drive and many problems appeared to have been addressed. The situation will remain under review.

The AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th April at 8pm in the Community Centre. After the business has been concluded there will follow a presentation and discussion of the Wrexham Road development, all are welcome. Jeremy Owens from the Council’s Planning Dept has agreed to come to lead the discussion and answer questions.

Anyone wishing to join the Committee please let the present Committee know, either by contacting or at the meeting.

The current contract for running the DB1 bus is due to end at the end of August. The route may change after that, it is unlikely to leave Westminster park, but the more use it has the more likely it is to stay.

There will be a Quiz on Saturday 10th October in the Community Centre, 7.30 for 8pm start.

January 29, 2015
by Dave Craggs

Gardening Club 2015 meetings

Wednesday, 20 May at 8 pm in the Community CentreJanuary

How to plant hanging baskets and containers – our speaker is Andrew Johnson from Johnson’s Nursery in Saughall.
£3 at the door. Raffle and plant swap. Light refreshments.

Sunday, 12 July.

Day trip to Dorothy Clive Garden plus a visit to Bridgemere Garden Centre.
Our coach will leave from the WP shops – full details will be in the June issue of the Forum Newsletter.

Wednesday, 7 October at 8 pm in the Community Centre

Transforming Bluebell Cottage Gardens – our speaker is Sue Beesley, owner and manager of Bluebell Cottage Gardens and former BBC Gardener of the Year.
£3 at the door. Plant swap. Light refreshments.

Please come and join us – all WP residents welcome

November 14, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Email Updates

We have created a new subsite for managing our email updates. http://emailupdates.wp-ra.org.uk/Default.aspx

The purpose is to allow users to control email updates from us. Previously we held emails in a spreadsheet and every time we wanted to send out an email update we had to extract the email addresses manually which was fiddly and prone to error. This way allows you to manage your own details and unsubscribe from email updates if you so wish.

You can log onto the system using your email address and password. If you don’t know your password you can requst a password update. Once logged in, you can update your own details and unsubscribe from future email bulletins. We do hope you will stay on the list, we do not plan to send out many emails and we do like to keep people up to date with items of local interest.

If are not on this site you can register here http://emailupdates.wp-ra.org.uk/Register.aspx.

In the future we may categorise the email bulletins so you can unsubscribe from specific areas if they are not of interest. This could be things like, the evergreens, gardening club, local councillor news, and such like. Please note we are also on facebook and twitter.

Dave Craggs

November 9, 2014
by Dave Craggs

What’s on in Westminster Park during December

Tuesday, 2 December: Christmas Lights Switch-On. 4.45 pm at the Shops. With carols, mince pies, mulled wine and hot dogs. The event will begin at 4.45 pm with switch-on at 5 pm.Xmas

Sunday, 7 December: Advent Service, 4 pm, at the Scout Hut, Manor Road, Westminster Park.

Thursday, 11 December: Evergreen. 2 pm. Community Centre. There will be mince pies and carols where you can sing along with the choir from Belgrave School – a very popular afternoon.

Friday, 19 December: Christmas Draw and Bingo. Community Centre.

Wednesday, 24 December: Christmas Quiz. Community Centre.

Wednesday, 31 December: New Year’s Eve Disco. £10 including buffet. 8 pm till late. Tickets on sale behind the bar. Community Centre.

November 9, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Councillor update

  • The report from the Inspector reviewing the Cheshire West and Chester local plan is expected at the end of November. We will liaise with Westminster Park residents when this is published to discuss the implications of any release of land for new housing off Wrexham Road.
  • The upgrading of the junction between the A493 and A55 is in progress and will last until the spring. Work is being carried out at night with diversions mainly through Eccleston and Handbridge.
  • The Council is seeking tenders for new operators of two 18-hole golf courses in Ellesmere Port and the 9-hole golf course in Westminster Park. Along with the Friends, we have not been happy with the management of this facility by Brio and we hope that a new operator will deliver a better service.
  • The Council is consulting on the concept design of a new bus interchange to be located at Gorse stacks. If the scheme goes ahead it is likely to open in 2016 and will form part of the plan leading to a new Northgate development scheme.
  • Funding for the new Theatre complex has progressed well and work on the design is advancing. Planning consent for the change of use for the Odeon cinema building was granted in September.

Cllrs Neil Sullivan and Razia Daniels

Councillor Neil Sullivan
Handbridge Park Ward
Home phone: 01244 671099
Mobile: 07709 376876

November 7, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Items Discussed at Committee Meeting 5th November

Items discussed at the last Committee Meeting… hot off the press….

As some of you may already know, David Pilling has resigned as Chairman of WPRA for health reasons, Brian Westcott, Vice Chair, has taken over in the interim.

The Wrexham Road development was discussed, there is a separate note on this.

There will be a meeting at the Community Centre for those residents near to and/or affected by Nos 1 and 16 Vincent Drive on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30pm.

Mary Pole is standing down as editor of the WPRA Newsletter, an editorial team is taking over in the interim, but if any budding journalists or editors would like to be involved please contact any Committee Member or let us know at the AGM.

The proposed bus shelter on Castlecroft Road will be raised with the local Councillor, and we are investigating providing some seating at the shops.  Steps will be taken to clear the path to St Claire’s.  Home owners please think of pedestrians and keep your overhanging greenery trimmed!

THE CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY 2ND DECEMBER AT 4.45PM!  Food, drink, singing from the Belgrave choir, not to be missed!

Anyone interested in joining the Committee or helping out at events please contact any Committee member (details in WPRA Newsletter).