Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

October 24, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Pharmacy 2 You

It has been brought to my attention that some residents of Westminster Park have received a letter from ‘Pharmacy 2 You’ to provide a home delivery service for repeat prescriptions.  May I please make it clear that this service is a private company and has nothing to do with our local Westminster Park Pharmacy, who offer a more  personal service.

Sandra Magilton (WPRA)

September 30, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Gardening Club Meeting

Our next Gardening Club meeting is on Wednesday 8 October at 8 pm at the Community Centre.

Catherine Coombs will be talking about Bumblebees in our Gardens – how they live and how we can encourage them.

We look forward to welcoming you to this very interesting talk.

£3 at the door

Plant swap

Light refreshments

All WP residents are welcome

September 23, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Road Closure Five Ashes Road

Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council 

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 

Temporary Prohibition of Traffic 

Five Ashes Road in Chester

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, that the Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council intend to make an Order the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit traffic on the following length of road, in Chester to enable Gas Main renewal works to be carried out by Balfour Beatty.

(1)        Five Ashes Road, Chester, at the junction with Claypit Road.

Nothing in the Order shall prevent driving upon the said lengths of road of any vehicle which is being used for the conveyance of persons, goods or merchandise to or from any premises situate on or adjacent to the lengths of road or in connection with agriculture, building construction, works of repair and the like or use in an emergency of vehicles for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes.  A through route will not always be available and any vehicles not requiring access to properties on the length of road should use the alternative routes.

The Order will come into force on Monday 6th October 2014 and will continue in force for a period not exceeding eighteen months or until the works which it is proposed to carry out have been completed, whichever is the earlier.  It is anticipated that the works will take approximately two weeks to complete.

Alternative routes for through traffic

 Traffic should proceed via Five Ashes Road; Sherbourne Avenue; Fir Tree Avenue; Manor Road.

Kieran Collins (ref: TRO/2061

Area Highways Manager

Highways Office

Guilden Sutton Lane

Guilden Sutton






September 19, 2014
by Dave Craggs



Bus users in Chester are being asked for their views about what type of facilities they would like to see in a new bus interchange.

Cheshire West and Chester Council is inviting members of the public to take part in a consultation to help design the new interchange proposed for Gorse Stacks.

The consultation feedback will help to shape the detailed plans in advance of a formal planning application later this year.

Councillor Lynda Jones, Executive Member for Growth and Innovation, said: “We are committed to consulting with the public about the proposals for the new interchange which will provide much improved facilities for bus users in Chester.

“The new interchange will also free up the current bus station site to enable the Northgate Scheme to go ahead, helping to modernise Chester’s retail and cultural heart, create new jobs and secure a more prosperous future.”

Feedback from an initial consultation earlier this year has helped to inform the current plans.

Anyone wishing to take part in the current consultation can complete a survey online at www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/consultation

Alternatively, paper copies are available from Chester Library and Council offices at The Forum in Chester, Civic Way in Ellesmere Port and Wyvern House in Winsford.

Consultation meetings are planned with local residents, businesses and disability access groups over the coming weeks.

Consultation responses must be received by October 9.

September 12, 2014
by Dave Craggs




26th SEPTEMBER,2014.

FROM 2-3pm

come and join us- everyone is welcome to join
the world’s biggest Coffee event.

Arranged by Christian Family Church.

September 12, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Chester Operatic Society at the Community Centre

WP-CC ConcertMusic and Readings to mark the Centenary of World War I Performed by members of Chester Operatic Society Saturday, 27 September at 8 pm Community Centre, Five Ashes Road.

Tickets £10 including Buffet Supper from Brian Westcott (675431) and committee members.

August 18, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Gardening Club Summer trip 2014

This year’s trip took in two excellent local gardens. The first, Bluebell Cottage Gardens near Dutton, is owned by Sue Beasley, BBC Gardener of the Year in 2006.

Sue took over the gardens in 2007 and has created a delightful garden in the heart of Cheshire. Apart from the excellent herbaceous borders, there is an orchard, a wild flower meadow and a wood to explore. Sue doesn’t deadhead her plants, preferring to collect her own seed. We were impressed with the quality of the plants that were for sale, most of which are propagated from their own stock. After coffee and cake we headed off to our second garden of the day, Mount Pleasant in Kelsall.

Bluebell Cottage Gardens 2014


The owners, Dave and Louise, have spent the last eighteen years creating a ten-acre haven on the side of the hill. Standing amongst mature trees, including Redwoods, are a Japanese garden, a tropical garden, herbaceous borders, a vegetable plot and a bog garden. There are ponds, cascades, a sculpture workshop and art gallery. The gardens are dotted with amusing sculptures and carvings and have terrific views from Chirk, the Clwydian Hills to Liverpool.

Dave and Louise have created all of this on their own from meadowland and we all marvelled at their vision, energy and enthusiasm. Oh, as an aside, Dave is also growing 120,000 Christm

Everyone enjoyed the day and came home with a variety of plants to brighten our borders and test our gardening skills. as trees for the Forestry Commission in Delamere! Again, a selection of plants were on sale.

August 18, 2014
by Dave Craggs

Front Garden Competition

Gardening Competition winners
Once again the judges have been out looking at the front gardens of Westminster Park. This is the 10th anniversary of the competition, which started in 2005. After producing a shortlist, the judges visit each one and mark them according to a set of criteria such as “wow” factor, variety and work put into it. There are prizes for both gardens and displays of hanging baskets and containers. They are judged on what can be seen from the road and no garden can win more than once in five years.

This year the garden winner was Terry and Val Hughes of Smithy Pathway and they kindly hosted the prize-giving ceremony in their equally lovely back garden (see photo of the winners on the website at www.wp-ra.org.uk). Other garden prizes went to Russell and Anita Carter from Vincent Drive and Brian and Sue Dickenson of Cottage Road.

The best display of hanging baskets was judged to be Richard and Jane Avory of St. Bridget’s Court with Betty McLoughlin of Boxmoor Close as runner up.

We also awarded a community prize to David Needham of Five Ashes Road for his hard work, on his own, in clearing the pathway that runs around the top of the estate parallel to Wrexham Road.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Judging this year took place in mid July and we are aware that this misses the lovely spring gardens that abound in March and April. With this in mind we are planning on a spring competition in 2015. Get planting those bulbs now!