Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

October 23, 2013
by Dave Craggs

Two easy ways to respond to the CWaC local plan

1) Write an email, e.g.

Dear Jeremy Owens,

I object to the re-designation of Green belt land by Wrexham Road as part of the CWaC local plan.

The local plan is unsound because;

1)      There is no justification for using Greenbelt land as the assumptions made by the council for the number of new homes required includes too much contingency; therefore any subsequent assumption that Greenbelt land is required is invalidated.

2)      There is no justification for setting an ambitious target for household growth, a target which does not enjoy public support, that is well above natural levels and then making optimistic assumptions for future growth do not in themselves constitute the ‘very special circumstances’ required for Greenbelt release.

3)      The is no justification for using Greenbelt land as the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) shows there is no shortage of land availability over the full 20 year period of the plan.

4)      It is not positively prepared as there is no evidence you have co-operated with neighbouring authorities to meet housing demand in Wales or have a plan to deal with drainage issues via Balderton Brook should this plan go ahead. There is a high risk drainage may not be possible or affordable by the developers in this area.

Kind Regards,

<Insert name and FULL address inc. post code>

2) Send a letter

You can use content from our WRPA representation, customise our template letter or create your own. You must answer at least one of the questions in part B of the ‘draft local plan representation form‘ and include your name and full address including post code.

October 20, 2013
by Dave Craggs

Chester MP shares our view that building on Green Belt land is unnecessary as part of the CWaC local plan

Chester MP Stephen Mosley has called for Chester’s Greenbelt to be protected in his response to Cheshire West & Chester’s Local Plan consultation.

The draft Local Plan calls for 22,000 new homes to be developed over the next 20 years.

However, Stephen Mosley has written to the council to say that this target does not reflect the assessment of local housing need and that our housing needs can be met without developing the Greenbelt.

You can read Stephen’s full submission to the Council at http://www.chestermp.com/2013/10/18/stephen-mosley-mp-responds-to-local-plan-consultation/

October 18, 2013
by Dave Craggs

Template Letter for Local Plan Response to CWaC

Following the printing and delivery of information to all residents about the CWaC local plan, and our reasons why it is not ‘sound’, please find an electronic copy of the letter to Jeremy Owens below, which can be edited and sent to his team at spatialplanning@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

Download (DOC, 30KB)


For reference, the printed version of this letter with a cover page that was sent to all residents can be found below:

Download (DOC, 146KB)


NOTE: Signed paper copies can be dropped off at our Community Centre at 7.45pm on Tues 29th October.

October 10, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Apple Pressing 19th & 20th October 2013

Apple Pressing 19th & 20th October 2013

19th October = Westminster Park Shops
20th October = Westminster Park café inside the park

Bring your apples 10am-2pm on either day for pressing into delicious juice! Chopping tables will be available, but please chop at home first to avoid the queue, and don’t forget to bring your containers for the juice!

The apple pressing helps to raise awareness of Chester’s ‘Incredible Edible’ project which aims to promote local food growing by residents around Chester’s suburbs and the town centre.

Last year the event was very popular and many residents brought along their apples and happily produced delicious juice which they took away. The event prompted interest from passers by, who were curious about what was happening and provided an opportunity to talk about healthy juice, cider making and the fact that good food was available locally for not very much money or free!

This year we have extended the apple pressing for an extra day inside the park itself, which in collaboration with the CWaC green spaces rangers and the ‘Friends of Westminster Park’, will extend a corner of the park for additional fruit trees as a free food source for local residents.

See you on October 19th or 20th with your chopped apples!


October 7, 2013
by Dave Craggs

Response to Local Plan Proposals for Building off Wrexham Road

As you will already know from our most recent newsletter, the council are proposing to build 1300 houses on the land behind Westminster Park up to the Chester Business Park – shown in the outlined red area of mapthis map. This proposal is part of the draft ‘Cheshire West & Chester Local Plan’.

The draft plan, supporting documents and response form can be viewed on CWaC’s Local Plan Consultation Portal , at CWaC offices and customer service centres (including HQ, Nicholas Street, Chester and The Forum Offices, Chester) and at any public library

The Westminster Park Residents Association has compiled a response to the plan, which we think fails the test of ‘soundness’.

Our response is attached here:

Download (DOC, 36KB)

Please use our draft document as a guide, or use parts of it to formulate your own response (or ‘representation’), using the official form attached here:

Download (PDF, 250KB)

Representations must be made on the official response form and received by 5pm on Friday, 1 November 2013.

Send by email to spatialplanning@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk;
Send by post to Spatial Planning, The Forum Offices, Chester CH1 2HS


UPDATE 18/10/13 – Please refer to http://www.wp-ra.org.uk/index.php/2013/10/template-letter-for-local-plan-response-to-cwac/ for an updated approach to respond – we have provided a template letter that you can use to respond to the council with special focus on the tests of ‘soundness’.

September 24, 2013
by Dave Craggs


We have arranged a private conducted tour of Chester Cathedral on 30th September 2013 at 2.00p.m. The tour will last for approximately 1hr.45mins at a cost of £5.00 per head.  We will make our own way to meet up at the Cathedral at 1.45p.m.

If anyone is interested in joining us, please contact Sandra Magilton (01244 677373) to reserve a place.

August 15, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Gardening Competition 2013

Gardening Competition 2013

Gardening competition winners for 2013 are:GardeningComp2013 Best Front Gardens

1. Ray & Mary Pulsfor,  2 Forge Way

 2. Jennifer Crewe, 7 Dennis Drive

 3. Chris & Pauls Castell, 11 Whaddon Drive

 Best Hanging Baskets and Containers

Malcolm & Helen Tyce, 28 Lache Lane

 Special Prize for tending a Public Space

Derek Bithell

August 15, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Gardening club meeting

Gardening club meeting

Gardening Club

Wednesday 9 October at 8 pm

Our next meeting of the Westminster Park Gardening Club takes place in the Community Centre at 8 pm on Wednesday, 9 October 2013.

Our speaker is Martin Ford, writer and radio broadcaster, who will be talking about AUTUMN & WINTER COLOUR – the talk will include live material of plants suitable for this time of year and slides will also be included.

Our usual Plant Swap table will be there so bring along your surplus plants, seeds, bulbs, etc., to swap for something else.

All residents are very welcome – there is no need to join.

£3 at the door. The bar will be open.