Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

May 10, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Westminster Park Community Association 40th anniversary

Westminster Park Community Association 40th anniversary

Westminster Park Community Association celebrate their 40th anniversary this year and the planned activities will include a Summer Fayre on Saturday 13th July 2013.

This will be held on the field behind the Community Hall and local Clubs and Organisations are invited to participate.

Supporters of this event will have the opportunity to raise funds and the WPCA will only charge a modest rental to cover costs.

If you would like to participate please contact me as soon as possible on 01244 629167

Colin Dollimore
WPCA Committee Member

April 22, 2013
by Dave Craggs
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For those of you who are paying close attention to CW&C plans on the release of Green Belt land to allow for Development,enabling them to provide availability of sufficient land to meet their target for new properties between now and 2021,Or,alternatively if you were present at the WPRA AGM you will be aware that the Local Authority were due to release details of the Local Plan on 29thApril with a Consultation period scheduled for late May to early July.

These dates will no longer be adhered to. Apparently there has been,a very recent publication of new,significant demographic information by Communities and Local Government,which needs careful consideration . This information would mean that requirements are perhaps nearly 40% less than was originally thought.

If these new calculations are proved to be accurate then any release of Green Belt Land , it is thought,should be even more questionable.

The planned,Consultation period,I understand,will not now happen until August/September at the earliest.

Regards, David Pilling, Chairman, Westminster Park Residents Association.

April 19, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Chester Road Runners

Chester Road Runners

Chester Road Runners Club meet in the Cafe at Westminster Park every Sunday at 10.30-11.30 to walk a bit/run a bit and walk a bit more.

Fun and friendly sessions designed for beginners to running,organised by a UK Athletics coach.

Everyone welcome !! see you there

Find us on Facebook



April 10, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Evergreen – next meeting

Evergreen – next meeting

Our next meeting at the Community Centre is Thursday 18th April, 2.00-3.30p.m.

Our guest on this occasion needs no formal introduction:  we are delighted to announce our speaker this session is Chester’s own celebrated ‘Town Crier’ – Mr David Mitchell.

This promises to be a most entertaining session and we are pleased David can come along and share some of his many experiences and stories with us.

This will be the last chance to order and pay for tickets to see the performance of ‘EVITA’ at The Lowry, Salford on Wednesday 31st July at 2pm, tickets cost £32.50 each, please make cheques payable to Westminster Park Residents’ Association.

Complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be available, as usual, and we look forward to welcoming many of you to what will be a very popular session.

Membership is still being taken, although we are nearing our limit. If you have not already applied, membership forms will be available for your completion.

Sandra Magilton