Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

April 6, 2013
by Dave Craggs




to be held at the Westminster Park Community Centre

on 10TH APRIL 2013



 Welcome & Introduction

 Apologies for Absence

 Minutes of Meeting held on 4th April 2012

 Matters Arising

 Amendments to Constitution:

Deletion of Item 7 Resignation & Termination of Membership (which requires all further items to be re-numbered).

 Item 10 General Committee (a) ii.  not less than eight and not more than twelve Full Members in addition to the Honorary Officers.

 Item 11 Sub-Committees (b)  all acts and proceedings of the sub-committee shall be reported by a sub-committee member at all meetings of the General Committee.

 Item 12 Rules of Procedure at all Meetings (c)  Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Residents Association, including General Committee and sub-committee meetings. All minutes shall include a clear record of all proceedings and resolutions.

 Item 13 Finance & Accounts (b)  An account shall be opened in the name of the Residents Association with a  branch of a bank, or with such other financial institution as the General Committee may from time to time decide.   The General Committee shall authorise in writing the Treasurer, the Secretary of the Residents Association and three members of the General Committee to sign cheques on its behalf.  All cheques must be signed by any two of the authorised signatories.

 Chairman’s Report

 Treasurer’s Report

 Election of Officers for 2013/ 2014

 Any Other Business

March 25, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Gardening Club Meeting Wednesday, 3 April

Gardening Club Meeting Wednesday, 3 April

 8 pm, Community Centre

Harry Delaney, a lecturer at Reaseheath College, will talk on growing fruit and vegetables in small gardens.

There will also be our regular plant swap so bring along your surplus seedlings, cuttings and plants.

All residents are welcome.

£3 at the door, to include light refreshments.

We look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards

Mary Pole

March 13, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Glan Aber Tennis Club

Glan Aber Tennis Club

The club continues to thrive and we are looking forward to some warm spring weather. The coaching programme runs throughout the year with minor interruptions for snow and flooding which was a slight problem this winter!

Claire will be retiring as Head Coach in April 2013 after 15 years at the Club. We are pleased that she will remain a member and continue to captain our Ladies A team. Our new coach, Jo Trataris, will start with a FREE (members and non-members) OPEN DAY session on Saturday 20th April

For full details click here.

March 13, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Eaton Hall Gardens Charity Open Days 2013

Eaton Hall Gardens Charity Open Days 2013

Eaton Hall Gardens are open to the public four times a year in order to raise funds for local charities. The dates for 2013 are:

Sunday 26th May

Sunday 28th July

Sunday 25th August

All events run from 10.30am to 5pm (Gates open at 10am for parking only and last admission at 4.30pm).

Price: Adults £6 Children £1.50

Eating and drinking: Refreshments and light bites are available to purchase and all proceeds go to the chosen charities – see below..

Travel/Access: Entry via Eccleston/Aldford/Belgrave gates (coaches Belgrave gate only)

During the day: Enjoy a ride on the Eaton Railway powered by  Katie the engine. Tickets for morning trains are sold from 10.30am and for afternoon trains from 1.30pm. Train rides are very popular and tickets are subject to availability.

Click here for more details.


March 10, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Evergreen meeting

Evergreen meeting


(Over 60’s Club)

 The next meeting at the Community Centre is Thursday 21st March at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

Our guest on this occasion is Angus Tilston M.B.E, who is going to treat us to a film and sound presentation on ‘Old Chester’.  It is a session to be enjoyed with nostalgia and interest.

It will also be the last date to book and pay for tickets to see the smash hit National Theatre production of ‘War Horse’ at the Lowry, Salford, on 7th January 2014.  Tickets cost £42.50 (best seats in the house).

Complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be available.

We look forward to seeing many of our previous members and also our new members.

All residents of Westminster Park are eligible to join providing you are 60+ and a member of the Westminster Park Residents’ Association.

Membership forms will be available at the meeting for new members and those wishing to rejoin this year.

Evergreen Committee

February 24, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Cheese and Wine Tasting

Cheese and Wine Tasting

Westminster Park Residents’ Association


 Cheese and Wine Tasting


Saturday, 2 March, at 8 pm

Community Centre, Westminster Park

Tickets £7.50

Call Brian Westcott on 675431 for tickets.

February 13, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Christian Family Church

Christian Family Church

Christian Family Church invites all to an Easter Sunday Service on the 31st March at 10am.

The Easter Service will be held in Westminster Park Community Centre … Come EXPECTING!

Let us celebrate the Death, Burial and Resurrection of the CHRIST!

February 11, 2013
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Evergreens AGM

Evergreens AGM

Our next meeting at the Community Centre is on Thursday 21st February 2013 at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

It is our first AGM and we look forward to many of you joining us and hearing how we have lived up to expectation this past year.

After the formalities we will be highlighting some of the interesting and varied events we have already booked for the coming year and to follow there will be a fun quiz for all to enjoy.

As usual complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be served and we hope some social time.

Membership forms will be available for your completion and we will be issuing the new membership cards to those who have already done so.

Look forward to seeing many of you joining us.

Sandra Magilton