Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

December 12, 2012
by Dave Craggs
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Xmas Lights Switch On

You cannot pass the shops at night without admiring our Christmas tree and tree lights. Francis Thomas kindly provided the tree at cost and the WPRA erected it. The Co-op provides the source of electricity and the Council have installed the lights in the trees facing the shops.

Attending the big “Switch on” on Thursday, 6 December I don’t think I have ever seen so many people gathered round the shops. Our MP, Stephen Moseley, the Lord Mayor and our local councillors were there together with what seemed like half the residents of Westminster Park.

Although it was raining (yet again!) it was undoubtedly an enjoyable occasion with a strong sense of community spirit. There was mulled wine, mince pies, biscuits and hot dogs and thanks go to many of the shops for providing these. Excellent performances by Belgrave School orchestra and choir completed the evening before the Lord Mayor switched on the lights.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Brian Westcott.

December 7, 2012
by Dave Craggs
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Belgrave Primary School Christmas Fair

The Belgrave Primary School Christmas Fair will be on Friday 7th of December 5-8 pm.

Santas Grotto, Craft Stalls, Tombola, Games Raffle.



December 5, 2012
by Dave Craggs
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Evergreen – next meeting

Our next meeting at the Community Centre is Thursday 13th December 2012 at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

We are to be entertained this festive season by the Belgrave School Choir accompanied by their music teacher Mrs Jane Williams.  The choir will sing a selection of Christmas songs followed by carols for us all to join in.

To finish our afternoon we are having a fun Christmas Quiz and a free raffle.  All the local Westminster Park shops have generously donated our raffle prizes, for which we are most grateful.

Complimentary mince pies, tea and coffee will be available.

As always, we look forward to seeing many of you join us.

Sandra Magilton

November 19, 2012
by Dave Craggs
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St. Clare’s Catholic Primary School – 40th Anniversary Year

2012 is the 40th anniversary of the opening of our school here in Lache, Chester.  Originally St. Francis’ School in Cuppin Street, our School Log Book from the time records that the new school opened in April 1972 as ‘ St. Clare’s Roman Catholic Aided Combined and Middle School’.

The Log Book makes very interesting reading, and records many significant events, not just for the school, but for the local and wider community.

We also have a ‘Punishment Book’ for St. Francis’ School dating from 1928!

To celebrate the occasion we are working with all our children to research the history of the last 40 years, and this will culminate in a special Open Afternoon, to be held on Thursday 6th December starting at 1 p.m.

Any past pupils, parents and staff of St Clare’s or St. Francis’ are warmly invited to join us for this occasion.

A 70’s Day and Disco will be held for current pupils and staff on Friday 7th December.

Please phone the school on 01244 981110 for further details.

T. Daltrey       Headteacher

Click to view St Clare’s Website

November 16, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Lache Lane Garden Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Lache Lane Garden Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

the 3rd of June, over 100 Lache Lane Residents stood for several hours, shoulder to shoulder in the wind and rain in solidarity with the Queen and Prince Philip.  Luckily, we weren’t stuck on a boat, and so there was plenty of food, drink and competitions to keep everyone occupied whilst they met and chatted to neighbours who in many cases they had never met before.

Great fun was had by all, as the following photographs show.  Not just at the party, but during the “team building” activities of tent erection, sandwich making, and table decoration.

More bunting, drinks, cakes, scones etc. were donated than you can possibly imagine.  There was even  a “History of Lache Lane” display prepared by a local historian.

We just need to find an excuse to do it again!

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