Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

November 16, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Evergreen – next meeting Tuesday 20th November

Evergreen – next meeting Tuesday 20th November

The next meeting at the Community Centre is Tuesday 20th November at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

We are very pleased to announce our speaker this session is the celebrated ‘Idris Evans’ of Countryfile fame, who is going to tell us stories from his book ‘Drovers Way’.  This will be a most interesting and informative session with signed copies of his book available for purchase

Complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be available.

We look forward to seeing many of you joining us.

Sandra Magilton

November 12, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Friends of Westminster Park AGM

Friends of Westminster Park AGM

The Friends of Westminster Park will be having their AGM at the community centre on Wednesday the 21st of November at 8pm.

Please come along and support the Park!

See website here

November 9, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on ‘One Man, Two Guv’nors’ at the Lowry Theatre

‘One Man, Two Guv’nors’ at the Lowry Theatre

The ‘Evergreen’  (over 60’s) club, formed this year, have reserved matinee seats for ‘One Man, Two Guv’nors’ at the Lowry Theatre in Salford on Thursday January 10th.  We have a few seats still available, priced at £23 each and it has been decided to open up the tickets to anyone else who would like to see this comedy drama.  We will be travelling to the Lowry by coach which will leave the Community Centre around 12 noon and will cost around £8 per head, payable on the coach.

Precise details will be given later.

The play was a huge hit when it was first played in Salford and subsequently transferred to London where James Corden, in the leading role, won much acclaim.  It then went to Broadway where it won several Tony awards.

If you are interested in buying tickets please contact either Penny White on tel:-677879 or myself Jill Baynham-Hughes on tel:- 679204 and we will be happy to give you further details.

See website here for more information

October 24, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Aria: Left Luggage by Geoff Nelder

Aria: Left Luggage by Geoff Nelder

Geoff Nelder has lived in Lache Hall Crescent for 34 years and for most of that was a teacher at Queen’s Park High. Now he’s an editor and author of several books. His latest is a mix between a medical survival and a science fiction mystery – ARIA: LEFT LUGGAGE. Suppose amnesia was infectious? Thank goodness it isn’t but imagine the ramifications if it was. Geoff did and the personal story of people, the breakdown of society and yet hope for some who coped is in ARIA. Click on this link to Geoff’s blog, which has details including Amazon e-book and paperback.http://bit.ly/OvYGQv

ARIA is also on sale in Chester’s Bluecoat Books 1, City Wall, and Waterstones will order it if it has gone from their shelves.

Also out in 2012 is the ebook HOW TO WIN SHORT STORY COMPETITIONS. Co-authored by Geoff (he was the fiction judge for the Whittaker Prize) in a dialogue form with judge Dave Haslett at


For something completely different try HOT AIR, an award-winning thriller based in England and the Mediterranean. A feisty woman witnesses a heinous crime from a hot air balloon. She’s abducted and kept in a watchtower on Mallorca until she escapes. A page turner on your Kindle at

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hot-Air-ebook/dp/B0084OZL9E/ for less than a toasted teacake!

October 23, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Apple Pressing Saturday 27th October 9am-2pm outside Al Dente Deli

Apple Pressing Saturday 27th October 9am-2pm outside Al Dente Deli

Bring your apples to our local shops on Saturday 27th October 9am-2pm for pressing into delicious juice! Chopping tables will be available, but please chop at home first to avoid the queue, and don’t forget to bring your containers for the juice!

Last year, as part of a programme of public apple pressings at local shopping centres, Transition Chester organised a session in Westminster Park where residents were invited to bring along their apples and make juice out of them using the apple press and crusher.

The event was very popular and many residents brought along their apples to the event and happily produced delicious juice which they took away. The event prompted interest from passers by, who were curious about what was happening and provided an opportunity to talk about healthy juice, cider making and the fact that good food was available locally for not very much money or free!

This year, with the apple press and crusher on loan to the Westminster Park Residents Association, we will run the event once again and hope to repeat the success of last year. See you on October 27th with your chopped apples!

October 12, 2012
by Dave Craggs
Comments Off on Evergreens meeting 25th October

Evergreens meeting 25th October

The next meeting in the Community Centre is Thursday 25th October, 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

We are pleased to announce our guest this session is Graham Handford, a banjo player, who will not only play for us but will also give a brief explanation on the origins of the banjo and the tunes he will be playing.

To complete our afternoon entertainment we hope you will enjoy taking part in our ‘Beetle Drive’.  For those who have not played before it is very easy to learn and a lot of fun.

Complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will be available.

We look forward to seeing many of you joining us for what will be a very pleasurable afternoon.

Penny White