Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

July 3, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Next Evergreen Meeting

Our next meeting in the Community Centre is Thursday 19th July at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

Our speaker for this session is Jody Sherratt from C.W.A.C., who will talk us through the forthcoming New Waste Disposal system and the recycling techniques.

We are sure this will be a very informative meeting and complimentary tea/coffee/biscuits will of course be available.

Note the change of the day, Thursday not Tuesday, we hope to see many of you joining us.



June 17, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Evergreen’s June meeting – 19th June



Our next meeting at the Community Centre is on Tuesday 19th June at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

Our speaker for this session will be Anne Forrester, a solicitor from Russell and Russell, Chester, who will talk to us on topics concerning Making a Will / Inheritance Tax / Power of Attorney and answer questions on individual matters.

As usual complimentary tea/coffee will be available.  As we are approaching the Wimbledon season, to get us into the spirit of things, complimentary strawberries and cream will also be provided.

Look forward to seeing many of you joining us.

Penny White

June 17, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Gardening Club Visit

Visit to

David Austin Roses


Sunday, 1 July 2012


Coach leaves Westminster Park Shops at 12 noon

Informative guided tour of the rose gardens

Time to enjoy the gardens at leisure

Tea/coffee and home baked scones with jam and cream

Plant centre

10% discount voucher

Tickets: £18.50 pp

 Contact Mary Pole to book your place Tel: 674439


June 13, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Jubilee Picnic in Westminster Park

The WP Residents’ Association, WP Community Centre and Belgrave School worked together to organise a Diamond Jubilee Picnic on the school playing field at the weekend. When the Organising Committee met in February the first item on the agenda was to choose a date – fortunately we selected Monday, 4 June!

In contrast to Sunday, when it never stopped raining, the sun shone for most of the day and the event attracted several hundred Westminster Park residents many of whom brought picnics and sat eating them on the grass. For those who hadn’t there was a brisk trade in tea, coffee and home made cakes, and the Community Centre bar staff were kept busy.

The School’s band and choir provided excellent musical entertainment. Their performance was followed by Karate and Zumba demonstrations, egg and spoon races and judging of fancy dress. Our local PCSO, PC Fox, brought a Police van for children to inspect, there was opportunity to learn Circus skills with Alex, make craft items with Wendy and children were still queuing up to have their faces painted by Mazzi when most people had gone home!

The Croquet Club gave people an opportunity to try their hand at the game and several local clubs had stalls to advertise themselves whilst providing fund raising games. The History Club’s display attracted much interest.

Overall it was great to provide an event to bring the Westminster Park community together and to feel part of the national celebrations that took place over the weekend.

Brian Westcott.