Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

June 1, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer weekly update

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Echo Close– Theft. Daytime of 21st May 2012. Unknown offender(s) steal child’s bike from insecure shed.
  • Dolphin Court– Burglary (other). During overnight period of 22nd – 23rd May 2012. Unknown offender(s) gain entry to garage in garage block by unknown means and steals blue Raleigh Mountain bike & draper AC inverter.
  • Five Ashes Road – Theft. Afternoon of 25th May 2012. Unknown offender(s) steal Apollo pedal cycle from insecure garage.

Click here to view the full article

May 11, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Next ‘Evergreen’ meeting

Our next meeting at the Community Centre is on Tuesday 15th May at 2.00 – 3.30p.m.

We are pleased to announce that Miss Sally Melvin (ex-Belgrave School Teacher) has agreed to come along and lead a sing along session, followed by ‘Afternoon Tea’ consisting of sandwiches, cakes, tea and coffee, all complimentary.

During our ‘Afternoon Tea’, committee members will sit with ‘Evergreen’ members to obtain feedback about how you feel the club is progressing.

As always, we look forward to seeing you for what will be a different and fun afternoon.

April 24, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer Weekly Update

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Castlecroft – Theft from motor vehicle. Overnight 13-14/04/12. Offender smashes front nearside window of parked and unattended van and then steal sat nav device from within.
  • Cliveden Road – Theft of pedal cycle. Evening of 16/04/12. Offender(s) steal unattended pedal cycle from outside of shops.
  • St Marks Road – Attempted Burglary (other) Overnight 20-21/04/12. Offender(s) force front door to unoccupied dwelling and make search of premises. Nothing believed to be stolen.

Click here for full article


April 23, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Green Belt Study – Invitation to Drop-in Session 1 May 2012

We have received the following from the Council:

Dear Sir/Madam,

You may be aware that the Council’s Spatial Planning team is currently preparing a Green Belt Study to inform the preparation of the new Borough-wide Local Plan.

In case you missed the previous opportunity to comment on the study, we would like to invite you to another drop- in session where our draft findings will be displayed and Spatial Planning Officers will be available to explain the results and answer any questions that you have on the study.

The Council would like to have your views on the assessments we have made so far.

 The purpose of the Study is to assess how well the areas of Green Belt land around Chester currently meet the 5 purposes of including land in the Green Belt as set out in national planning policy, namely the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The five stated purposes are:

  • to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
  •  to prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another;
  • to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
  • to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
    • to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban      land.

A link is provided to the National Planning Policy Framework for your information:


A note, with maps of the study areas and draft findings which explains the study and the methodology can be accessed via the following ink:


I must stress that the Council has not made a decision at this point whether or not to promote a change to the Green Belt boundary around Chester through the Local Plan. This study is one piece of work or “evidence” that will help to inform that decision.

It is anticipated that the Council will consult on a Local Plan “preferred Options” paper in the autumn which will set out the proposed long term planning strategy for the Borough. It will include the proposed approach towards Chester’s future growth. This will comprise a period of consultation during which residents and organisations will be able to comment on these draft proposals. There will be subsequent opportunities to comment on the Local Plan as the process moves forward.

The drop-in session will be held on:

Tuesday 1st May 2012 between 10am and 7pm at The Wesley Church Centre, St John Street, Chester, CH1 1DA

 Information and details of the venue can be viewed via the following link:


We hope that you will be able to attend.

Kind regards

Jeremy Owens
Strategic Manager – Spatial Planning

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Location: Spatial Planning, 2nd Floor, The Forum Offices, Chester, CH1 2HS
Visit: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk

Consultation Portal: http://consult.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/portal


April 20, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Homewatch Alerts

House to House Collections

Thursday 19th April 2012:-

The western watch office has received information today concerning the following cold calling incidents in the West Cheshire area.

Donation bags for unwanted household items left at a home in Westminster Park area, Chester on Mon 16th April 2012.
CW&C licensed street collections department received this enquiry this week and confirm that they have NOT currently issued licences covering local collection/ nor do either of these ‘collectors’ have a nationally issued collection exemption licence’.

The collection bags carry the names :-

  • Helpmates Ltd
  • PenYBont

Telephone Canvassers

A Home Watch Scheme member in Winsford received a call from a person asking if they would like an appointment to discuss a ‘free offer of household security equipment’.  The resident was given the impression that the organisation was ‘working with/approved by’ the police and/or Home Watch.  Their phone number is ex directory.

Cheshire Constabulary and Home Watch in Cheshire DO NOT endorse specific security products, nor do they directly support telephone canvassing to sell security products.

Residents wishing to avoid cold calling by phone can register with the ‘Telephone Preference Service’ and may then ask organisations making unsolicited calls from the UK to their home, to remove them from their calling lists.

If any caller is threatening or is trying to enter your property – ring 999
You can obtain further consumer advice and information by contacting:- 08454 04 05 06 – Citizens Advice Consumer Help Line  (www.adviceguide.org.uk)

The western watch office would like to thank members of Home Watch Schemes and the public for their continued vigilance, scrutiny and reporting of, suspicious incidents.
Regards,  Liz Biddle Home Watch Officer  West Cheshire

Cheshire Constabulary Western Watch Office supports Home Watch Schemes across Chester, Ellesmere Port, Neston and Vale Royal; and is based in the Western Partnership Office, Northwich Police Station.  Telephone 01606 364291