Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

January 20, 2012
by Dave Craggs


From the letters page in the Standard

I felt very  concerned  after reading a letter on your letters page regarding Junk Mail.  While I agree that the amount of junk mail we receive is irritating,  the answer is not to stuff it all back into the post box as this is very spiteful as not only does it cause problems at the sorting office it ultimately causes delays for other people’s post –  people who have done nothing wrong.

Junk Mail although helps to keep the price of postage down.  What with e-mails, people paying bills by direct debit, and the use of the internet etc  the Postal Service needs the revenue created by Junk Mail,  otherwise it will either close the services which would be a disaster, or increase the price of postage even further.

If charity bags cause the writer a problem perhaps he should do what I do.  Which is either leave them outside for reuse on the due collection day or use them as bin liners for his kitchen waste bin – I find them a great asset not only for this purpose but for many others as well.

I might add that I do occasionally fill the charity bags with useful items of clothing and bric a brac ready for collection by the appropriate charity.  But, I haven’t enough unwanted clothing to fill them all!

Junk mail is a small inconvenience to keep the Postal Service afloat and therefore I hope the previous writer will read this letter and think again before stuffing his unwanted mail back into the post box.

Olwen Bellis – Chester resident

January 20, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Chester Gang Show

Chester Gang Show 59 Years On

Following our blockbusting performance at the Catholic High School in 2011 the next show will be returning to the King’s School Chester and will be performed in the recently completedVanbrugh Theatre. The facilities in this new auditorium are truly fabulous including tiered seating and an impressive stage, supported by a very high standard of installed sound and lighting equipment. So this year we invite you all to join us yet again to see the show and to discover what this new venue has to offer.

See website for more information http://www.chestergangshow.net/index.php

January 9, 2012
by Dave Craggs

Car break-ins in Westminster Park

Report from Jim Moffat

It came to my attention last night that 3 cars had been broken into on Lower Field Road overnight on Thursday pm/Friday am. Unfortunately it would appear that the cars may have been left unlocked on the drive by the owners. No physical break in was found but contents left in the cars had been stolen.

 I have made all the members of the Lower Field Rd Home Watch scheme aware of this, but as I do not have a fully up to date list of Westminster Park H W Co-ords I have done a blanket e-mail to everyone I can think of who should be made aware of this. All WPHW Co-ords should make their members aware this has happened, and be generally vigilant.

 Jim Moffat

Lower Field Rd HW Co-ord


See Police report here

January 7, 2012
by Dave Craggs

WPRA Over 60’s Club

Over 60?
Come and join us
The Westminster Park Residents’ Association invites all over 60-year-olds
to come along to the Community Centre on Thursday, 12 January 2012, at 2 pm
for a chat and a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits.
We plan to start an Over 60’s Club, initially meeting monthly, with speakers,
fun and games, etc., and if enough people are interested, visits to gardens
and theatres. This will be our first meeting and so the programme is up to
you - please tell us what you would like.
We are doing this in response to requests, from various residents, made to
the WPRA. So please come along on 12 January and tell us what you would like
on the programme.
If you cannot make it on that day please give one of us a call and let us know
your ideas. Our telephone numbers are below and also on the back page of this
We look forward to seeing you there.
Allan Stobie (683461) and Sandra Magilton (677373)

December 21, 2011
by Dave Craggs
1 Comment

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney Overleigh Road – Burglary (dwelling). Evening 12/12. Offender(s) force 1st floor window after climbing onto flat roof. Quantity of cash and jewellery stolen. Craithie Road – Theft from vehicle. PM 10/12 to AM 11/12. Offender(s) enter insecure Honda vehicle and steal sat. nav. & CD’s. Beaver Close – Burglary (other). Daytime 14/12. Offender(s) force entry to garden shed and steal ‘Rock Hopper’ mountain bike.

  • Overleigh Road – Burglary (dwelling). Evening 12/12. Offender(s) force 1st floor window after climbing onto flat roof. Quantity of cash and jewellery stolen.
  • Craithie Road – Theft from vehicle. PM 10/12 to AM 11/12. Offender(s) enter insecure Honda vehicle and steal sat. nav. & CD’s.
  • Beaver Close – Burglary (other). Daytime 14/12. Offender(s) force entry to garden shed and steal ‘Rock Hopper’ mountain bike.

Click here to see full post on Police website

December 15, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Activities at the community centre.

The Westminster Park Community Centre is a potentially invaluable facility for the local area, but at the moment it is very much underused.  I have been talking to some of the committee members about starting off a new karate class in the New Year, but there is so much else that could be done there, Things like yoga, dancing, tai chi springs to mind.

I think it would be a good idea to promote the centre and make people aware of the facilities and activities that currently go on and hopefully start off a few more. If we can get more interest we could look at what improvements that could be done to make the community centre more attractive.

I would like to hear from anyone interested taking up dancing, yoga, karate or any other activities that may be of interest.

Please use the comments section or use the contact form or just give me a call on 07711009041.