- The theft of metals and lead in particular remains an area of concern for city police. Often the premises targeted are vulnerable premises such as churches or other historic buildings, of which there are many in Chester. Chester Inner staff continue to treat these offences seriously and are pleased to report that in November three local people (2 men aged 34 & 39, and a woman aged 35) were arrested following a theft in the Brook Lane area of the city. These three remain on police bail. Advances in technology means that stolen lead can be forensically examined and we will robustly pursue those that steal from and damage the fabric of the city whilst committing these type of offences.
- Following a series of drugs raids in the Garden Lane area, this week a 21-year-old man was charged with production of a controlled drug and a 51-year-old woman was charged with allowing controlled drugs to be produced on her premises.. The information we receive from the public is vital to us to enable us carry out such warrants and again I encourage you to contact us with any information you may have with regard to drugs use in the city. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
- As we approach Christmas, Chester Inner NPT will be increasing patrols in and around the city for your reassurance. Whilst we encourage you to have a good time and celebrate the season we offer a gentle reminder about thepotential consequences of drinking to excess. Drunken and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated by city police and those that are intent on spoiling the Christmas spirit for the majority must expect to wake up in a police cell! CCTV operators have direct contact with patrolling officers and vice versa so the chances of any disorderly behaviour being caught on camera, and subsequently being stopped by the police for it, are high!!
- As this is the last bulletin of the year I want to take the opportunity to give you an idea of crime rates within the city and how we have worked hard to reduce them. Since last year the overall crime rates has reduced by 13%, there has been a31% decrease in assaults causing injury, and a 57% decrease in what we call “serious acquisitive crime”, orburglaries and vehicle crime. Of those crimes reported to us, in 43% of cases we have identified the offender/s and brought them to justice. In short, half the crimes reported to us have been solved. In the New Year we will continue to work hard to improve yet further to make Chester a safe place to live, work and study. Until then, on behalf of the whole unit have a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.
December 15, 2011
by Dave Craggs