Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

December 15, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Chester Inner monthly update

  • The theft of metals and lead in particular remains an area of concern for city police. Often the premises targeted are vulnerable premises such as churches or other historic buildings, of which there are many in Chester. Chester Inner staff continue to treat these offences seriously and are pleased to report that in November three local people (2 men aged 34 & 39, and a woman aged 35) were arrested following a theft in the Brook Lane area of the city. These three remain on police bail. Advances in technology means that stolen lead can be forensically examined and we will robustly pursue those that steal from and damage the fabric of the city whilst committing these type of offences.
  • Following a series of drugs raids in the Garden Lane area, this week a 21-year-old man was charged with production of a controlled drug and a 51-year-old woman was charged with allowing controlled drugs to be produced on her premises.. The information we receive from the public is vital to us to enable us carry out such warrants and again I encourage you to contact us with any information you may have with regard to drugs use in the city. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on             0800 555 111      
  • As we approach Christmas, Chester Inner NPT will be increasing patrols in and around the city for your reassurance. Whilst we encourage you to have a good time and celebrate the season we offer a gentle reminder about thepotential consequences of drinking to excessDrunken and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated by city police and those that are intent on spoiling the Christmas spirit for the majority must expect to wake up in a police cell! CCTV operators have direct contact with patrolling officers and vice versa so the chances of any disorderly behaviour being caught on camera, and subsequently being stopped by the police for it, are high!!
  • As this is the last bulletin of the year I want to take the opportunity to give you an idea of crime rates within the city and how we have worked hard to reduce them. Since last year the overall crime rates has reduced by 13%, there has been a31% decrease in assaults causing injury, and a 57% decrease in what we call “serious acquisitive crime”, orburglaries and vehicle crime. Of those crimes reported to us, in 43% of cases we have identified the offender/s and brought them to justice. In short, half the crimes reported to us have been solved. In the New Year we will continue to work hard to improve yet further to make Chester a safe place to live, work and study. Until then, on behalf of the whole unit have a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

See full article on the Police website

December 12, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Birch Road – Burglary (other). Overnight 02-03/12/2011. Offender(s) smash rear window on unoccupied house before stealing copper water cylinder.
  • Acer Court – Theft. Over 2 day period 04-06/12/2011. Offender(s) steal garden shed from rear of residential dwelling.
  • Hough Green – Burglary (other). Overnight 07-08/12/2011. Offender(s) gain entry to unoccupied dwelling before stealing tools from inside.
  • Dorchester Road – Theft of vehicle. Overnight 09-10/12/2011. Offender(s) remove keys to Mercedes vehicle left in door and then take vehicle from driveway. Vehicle and keys later recovered.
  • Overleigh Road – Criminal damage. Overnight 09-10/12/2011. Offender(s) damage nearside mirror on parked vehicle.

December 6, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Belgrave School – Can You Help?

Can you help our local school?
They collect the school vouchers given by the supermarkets and also the box top 
tokens that appear on Nestle cereal products. Should you have difficulty 
getting these to the school, when you have a quantity, give me a call and I will 
collect them from you.

David Pilling, 68088

December 6, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Prenton Place – Attempted burglary. During 28th-29th Nov. Offender(s) force rear ground floor window to premises. No entry gained.
  • Selkirk Road – Theft from motor vehicle. Overnight 28th-29th Nov. Offender(s) enter parked vehicle on driveway and steal iPod device from within.
  • Lache Lane – Theft. During 28-29th Nov. Offender(s) Steal scaffolding poles from house under construction.
  • Clover Lane – Theft of cycles. Between 30th Nov – 2nd Dec. Offender(s) steal two insecure cycles from under carport of premises. **Both cycles recovered by address on 2nd Dec**.
  • Hope Street – Theft of vehicle. Late evening 1st Dec. Offender(s) steal Yamaha motor cycle from outside of address and make off. **Ignition keys left in vehicle**.

December 6, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Xmas Bingo at the Community Centre

Xmas Bingo Friday 9th December, at WPCC, It’s going to be 10pounds all in, but there will be extra games and 3 Xmas hampers, and great cash prizes too!!!

Plus as there is no Xmas draw this year we are organising a charity raffle on the night, with great prizes, and proceeds going to help for hero’s!!!!

Come along to make it a great night, bring your friends, non members welcome!!!

December 1, 2011
by Dave Craggs


THE WAVERLEY EXPRESS – Saturday 21st April 2012

Promoted by Chester Model Railway Club and the Dee & Mersey Group of the Ffestiniog Railway.

Advance notice of our Spring 2012 outing.

We have been asked many times recently for a trip to Scotland, and specifically Edinburgh, and this is the first year that the route has been available to us. To include our friends from Shropshire and North East Wales we are doing it differently by starting from Shrewsbury then picking up at Gobowen, Wrexham, Bache, Hooton and Frodsham.The train then continues north via the English Fells and the Scottish Southern Uplands to Edinburgh Waverley arriving about 12 noon. The attractions available at Edinburgh don’t need any description, and we arrive right in the City Centre. We will leave for our journey home around 4:30pm.

Full details are now on our website and you can book online using your credit or debit card or PayPal account. Simply visit www.chestermodelrailwayclub.com/railtours.htm .

You will receive an email acknowledgement of your online booking and more information on timings will be sent when available. Tickets will be posted a few days before the train runs. (There is no need to provide a SAE when booking online).

If you prefer to book by post you can download and print a paper booking form off the website or wait until the New Year when we make our normal postal mailshot.

We look forward to meeting all our existing customers and welcoming many new ones. Please forward this page to friends and family who may be interested in joining us on this splendid day out.

Laurence Wheeler

Railtour Organiser

November 29, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Westminster Avenue – Criminal damage. Morning of 16/11/2011. Rear ground floor window pane broken by air pellet.
  • Prenton Place – Theft from vehicle. Overnight 20-21/11/2011. Offender(s) bend back drivers door on Vauxhall Corsa before stealing sat. nav, digital camera and cigarettes.
  • Five Ashes Road – Theft. Over 2 week period. Female alleged to have stolen jewellery from elderly client. The female has been bailed pending further enquiries.
  • Cliveden Road – Criminal damage. Early evening period of 22/11/2011. Offender(s) throw wine bottle through living room window before making off.
  • Selkirk Drive – Theft of pedal cycle. Evening of 22/11/2011. Offender(s) steal insecure white Specialised P1 mountain bike from driveway of premises.