Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

September 23, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Homewatch Alert – Loans & Fake Jackets


Trading Standards would like to warn people to steer clear of scam loan companies who take upfront fees but fail to provide credit or offer clearly unsuitable credit alternatives.

Please be extra vigilant when dealing with or taking calls from loan companies that want upfront fees and who are not interested in your credit history as they may take the payment then disappear with your money.

The Office of Fair Trading has reported seeing a 50 per cent year-on-year rise in complaints about loan scams, particularly credit applications which involve the consumer sending upfront fees through money transfer companies.

Some points to consider:

  • Be cautious if a loan company cold-calls you
  • Research the business offering the loan – look for a landline phone number and a physical address and ask for information in writing
  • Check that the company has a credit license on the Consumer Credit Register at www.oft.gov.uk/ConsumerCreditRegister

If you think you may be dealing with an unlicensed lender and need confidential help and advice contact the Illegal Money Lending Team on 0300 555 2222 at local call rate, including inclusive minutes from mobiles, by email to reportaloanshark@stoploansharks.gov.uk or text loan (space) shark (space)then your message to 60003 or visit www.direct.gov.uk/stoploansharks



A member of the public was approached by a male maybe of Italian origin who stopped his car, possibly a Fiat and asked for directions. The male claimed he had been on business in the area and needed to get back to the M6 motorway. Before driving away having been given the directions he pointed out that his boss had given him some clothing samples and indicated to several Giorgio Armani leather coats on view in the car.

Please do not be tempted to buy these items as they are likely to be either stolen or fake goods.

If you have been approached in such a manner or have any information that might help Police with their enquiries please call 0845 458 0000

If you have any further information relating to the above alert or for general advice please contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 or http://www.direct.gov.uk/

Please pass this information to family member, friends, neighbours and anyone you know who maybe vulnerable.
Cheshire Constabulary Western Watch Office supports Home Watch Schemes across Chester, Ellesmere Port, Neston and Vale Royal, and is based in the Western Partnership Office, Northwich Police Station.     E-mail  western.watch@cheshire.pnn.police.uk


CALL CRIME STOPPERS ON 0800 555 111, OR E MAIL www.crimestoppers-uk.org

September 15, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer weekly update

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Co-Op 5 Ashes Road – Theft. Male offender caught on CCTV stealing chocolates from display.
  • West Cheshire College – Theft. Afternoon period. Male Offender steals secured £1200 mountain bike from cycle rack.
  • Westminster Avenue – Burglary (other). Over 24 hour period. Offender(s) force entry to summer house & garden shed in rear garden. Nothing apparently stolen.
  • Curzon Park South – Burglary (other). Afternoon period. Male offender disturbed breaking into garage. Offender made off and nothing stolen.
  • Fairford Road – Theft. A local male has been charged with the theft of a pedal cycle following police enquiries.
  • Newbury Road – Drugs. Following a Chester Neighbourhood Enforcement Team operation, a local female has been charged with Possession With Intent to supply Cannabis.

September 9, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Chester Outer weekly update

Chester Outer South – Lache / Westminster Park / Curzon Park / Handbridge / Saltney

  • Hampton Road – Criminal Damage. Over 24 hour period. Offender(s) kick rear nearside door on parked BMW causing damage.
  • Dover Road – Theft. Over 2 day period. Offender(s) steal Marin Novano mountain bike that had been secured to drain pipe of residential dwelling.
  • Curzon Park South – Criminal Damage. Overnight period. Offender(s) damage sections of wooden fence.
  • Barony Way – Theft of motor vehicle. Overnight period. Offender(s) steal blue Honda 100cc scooter – DE55 UCW from driveway of premises.
  • Forge Way – Theft from motor vehicle. Overnight period. Offender(s) approach vehicle parked on driveway. Entry gained and fishing tackle, tools, money and CD’s stolen.
  • Vincent Drive – Theft of tools. Over 1 week period. Offender(s) gain entry to greenhouse and then steal tool box containing various power and wood-working tools.
For full report see

September 9, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Next meeting of the Westminster Park Gardening Club

The next meeting of the Westminster Park Gardening Club will take place on

Wednesday, 28 September 2011
7.45 pm
Community Centre, Westminster Park

Our speaker is Karen Atkinson and her topic is  ‘Permaculture and your garden’.

£3 entrance fee to include light refreshments. The bar will also be open.

Plant swap

Karen left a career as a law lecturer in 2009 in order to pursue a new career as an organic gardener, gardening tutor and permaculturist. She has recently started studying for her Permaculture Diploma and will be sharing a presentation of permaculture ethics and design principles, as well as showcasing some of the amazing and beautiful projects that such approaches can produce, and considering how it can be applied in the garden setting.

By observing the natural world we can see a set of principles at work. Permaculture design uses these principles to develop integrated systems that provide for our needs of food, shelter, energy and community in ways that are healthy and efficient. We can use these design methods to improve the quality and productivity of our individual lives, our society and our environment.

This is sure to be an enjoyable and informative evening and we look forward to seeing you all there.

There will be our usual plant swap and if you have surplus fruit or vegetable crops you can also bring these along to swap.

Kind regards

Mary Pole

September 9, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Come and get some free freshly pressed apple juice!

Transition Chester will be running an Apple Pressing Session on Saturday 8th October at the Westminster Park Shops.

This Year promises to be a bumper year for home-grown apples and it is probable that many people with an apple tree in their garden will have too many to make use of. Why not turn those windfalls and surplus apples into delicious freshly pressed apple juice?

On Saturday 8th October from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm members of Transition Chester Group will be at the shops parade on Five Ashes Road (near the Supermarket) with their recently acquired apple crusher and 12L apple press.

All you have to do to get your free freshly squeezed apple juice is to bring along your washed surplus apples (cookers or eaters) to the Transition Chester stand along with some containers to put the juice in (rinsed plastic milk containers are ideal). You can then take away your fresh juice to drink. Even windfalls are OK since the bruised/damaged bits can be cut away ready for the press. You will need approx 4Ltr of containers for a carrier bag full of apples.

The fresh juice can keep fresh in a refrigerator for up to 3 days, but can be frozen in the plastic milk containers to keep for over six months if preferred. Alternatively you can donate your juice to Transition Chester for pasteurisation and use at other events through the year.

Other areas in Chester will also have a pressing session on the same basis on the following Saturdays during October, including Faulkner Street, (Hoole), Kingsway Shops and the Parade, (Blacon).

For further details contact Simon Brown on Chester 403960.


September 2, 2011
by Dave Craggs

Gardening Competition 2011

The winner of Best Front Garden in the Westminster Park Gardening Competition 2011 is Jenny Parkes of 8 Radnor Drive. The shield was engraved and proudly presented to Jenny by Julie Sams (chairwoman) and other Westminster Park Residents Association members.

The winner of Best Container Display in the Westminster Park Gardening Competition is David Brown of 33 Rowcliffe Avenue. You can see the winning containers in the pictures below.

Congratulations also to the commended gardens of Jackie Stringer, 6 Smithy Pathway, and Chris Castell, 11 Whaddon Drive.

September 1, 2011
by Dave Craggs



The name of the organisation is the Westminster Park Residents Association (hereinafter called ‘the Residents Association’).

2.            AREA OF BENEFIT

The area of benefit for the Residents Association is that area known as Westminster Park in the local government district of the City of Chester, being defined as follows:

All of that area bounded by Green Lane (from Lache Lane to Circular Drive), Circular Drive, Lache Lane, Wrexham Road and a line drawn from the southernmost Herons Way roundabout on the Wrexham Road back to the junction of Green Lane and Lache Lane.

3.            OBJECTS

The objects of the Residents Association are to promote the interests of all those persons residing and/or employed in the area of benefit without distinction of age, gender, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions, by associating together the said persons in a common effort to advance their interests as a community and to improve the physical and social environment of the area of benefit.

4.             POWERS

In furtherance of the said objects, but not otherwise, the Residents Association shall have power to:

a.            bring together in conference representatives of other organisations, statutory authorities and individuals.

b.            arrange and provide for, either alone or with others, the holding of meetings, exhibitions, lectures, training courses, and all forms of recreational and other leisure time activities.

c.             collect and disseminate information on all matters relating to its objects, and to exchange information with other bodies having similar objects whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.

d.            write, print or publish in any appropriate form any form of publicity or other material which shall help to further its objects.

e.            raise funds and invite or receive donations and contributions, whether by subscription or otherwise, PROVIDED THAT the Residents Association shall not undertake or in any way engage in any permanent trading activities in raising funds for its charitable objectives.

f.             seek affiliation to any local, regional or national organisation to assist in furthering the objects of the Residents Association PROVIDED THAT such affiliations shall be approved by a majority vote at a General Meeting.

g.            where necessary to arrange appropriate insurance cover to indemnify its committee members and voluntary workers from and against all risks incurred while engaged in authorised activities on behalf of the Residents Association.

h.            do all such other lawful things as shall further the charitable objects of the Residents Association.

5.             MEMBERSHIP

Full membership of the Residents Association shall be open to all persons permanently resident in the area of benefit.

Associate membership shall be open to all persons employed but not permanently resident within the area of benefit. Associate membership shall not have the right to a vote at any meetings of the Residents Association.

6.            SUBSCRIPTIONS

Subscriptions may be levied upon all Full Members and Associate Members of the Residents Association, at levels approved by a majority vote at an Annual General Meeting.


Any Full Member or Associate Member may resign membership at any time by giving written notice to the Secretary of the Residents Association.

A Full Member shall automatically relinquish membership on ceasing to be permanently resident within the area of benefit.

An Associate Member shall automatically relinquish membership if ceasing to be employed within the area of benefit.


a.            Annual General Meetings

Once in each calendar year an Annual General Meeting of the Residents Association shall be held at such time and place as the General Committee shall determine, being not more than fifteen calendar months after the adoption of this constitution and thereafter not more than fifteen calendar months after the holding of the previous Annual General Meeting. At least 21 clear days’ notice shall be posted in conspicuous places in the area of benefit and advertised by any other means that the General Committee may deem appropriate.

The business of each Annual General Meeting shall be:

i.              to receive the Annual Report of the General Committee, which shall incorporate the financial accounts of the Residents Association referred to below, and give an account of the work of the Residents Association and its activities during the preceding year.

ii.             to receive the financial accounts of the Residents Association for the preceding year.

iii.            to elect the Honorary Officers of the Residents Association for the ensuing year in accordance with Clause 9 hereof.

iv.           to elect the General Committee of the Residents Association for the ensuing year in accordance with Clause 10 hereof.

v.            to appoint such financial assessor or auditor to examine accounts of the Residents Association as required by current Charity legislation.

vi.           to consider and vote on any proposals to alter this constitution in accordance with Clause 15 hereof.

vii.          to consider any other business of which due notice has been given.

b.            Special General Meetings

The Chair of the General Committee shall at his/her discretion and within 21 days of receiving a written request to do so signed by not less than five Full Members giving reasons for the request, call a Special General Meeting of the Residents Association to consider the business specified on the notice of meeting and for no other purpose. At least 14 clear days’ notice shall be posted in conspicuous places within the area of benefit and the meeting may be advertised by other appropriate means.


a.            The Honorary Officers of the Residents Association shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

b.            Only Full Members of the Residents Association aged eighteen years or over shall be eligible to serve as Honorary Officers.

c:             Nominations for all Honorary Officers shall be accepted from any Full Member and must be submitted in writing to the Secretary, to be received at least 7 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. The consent of all nominees must be obtained before submitting nominations. Should nominations for any of the Honorary Officers not have been received in advance of the Annual General Meeting, the Chair of the meeting shall be permitted to accept nominations by Full Members from the floor of the meeting, subject to the consent of the nominees.

d.            All Full Members shall have powers to vote at the Annual General Meeting for the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected by simple majority vote of all those present.

e.            An Honorary Officer shall cease to hold office if he/she notifies the Secretary of the Residents Association in writing of his/her resignation.

If a vacancy occurs by death, resignation or disqualification among the Honorary Officers of the Residents Association, the General Committee shall have power to fill the vacancy from among its members, the Honorary Officer so appointed serving until the next Annual General Meeting.


f.             Subject to sub-clause (e) of this clause, all Honorary Officers shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual Meeting of the Residents Association and shall be eligible for re-election.


Subject to the provisions of Clause 8 hereof, the policy and general management of the affairs of the Residents Association shall be directed by a General Committee which shall meet not less than four times each calendar year.

a.            The General Committee shall consist of

i.              the Honorary Officers elected under clause 9 hereof.

ii.             not less than eight and not more than twelve Full Members in addition to the Honorary Officers, of whom at least two Full Members should be below the age of eighteen years.

iii.            up to a maximum of four Full or Associate Members co-opted for specific purposes by the General Committee, such co-opted persons to serve on the General Committee until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting PROVIDED THAT the number of co-opted persons shall not exceed one quarter of the total number of Full Members, excluding Honorary Officers, elected and appointed to the General Committee at the preceding Annual General Meeting.

b.            All members of the General Committee shall retire from office together at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting next after the date on which they came into office, but they may be re-elected.

c.             If casual vacancies occur among the elected members of the General Committee, the Committee shall have power to fill these from among Full Members of the Residents Association.

d.            A member of the General Committee, including any Honorary Officer, shall cease to hold office if he or she:

i.              is disqualified from holding such office by virtue of section 2 of the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory modification or re-enactment of that provision), or

ii.             becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing his or her own affairs, or

iii.            is absent without the permission of the General Committee from all its meetings held within a period of six months and the General Committee resolves that he/she shall cease to hold office, or

iv.           notifies the General Committee in writing of his or her resignation.

e.            Each member of the General Committee shall upon election or appointment to the committee receive a copy of the Residents Association’s constitution.

f.             There shall be no age restriction upon membership of the General Committee PROVIDED THAT not more than one third of the members, excluding Honorary officers, shall be below the age of eighteen.

g.            Members of the General Committee who are under the age of eighteen shall not be entitled to vote upon financial matters, although they shall not be excluded from discussion of such matters.

11.          SUB-COMMITTEES

The General Committee may appoint one or more sub-committees for supervising or performing any activity or service. In each such case:

a.            the General Committee shall define the terms of reference of the sub-committee and may also determine its composition, which may include Full or Associate members who are not members of the General Committee, and the duration of its activities.

b.            all acts and proceedings of the sub-committee shall be reported as soon as possible to the General Committee.


a.            Voting

Subject to the provisions of Clause 15, any question arising at a meeting of the Residents Association or one of its committees shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote, being Full Members of the Residents Association. No member shall exercise more than one vote but in case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.

b.            Quorum

At all General Meetings a quorum shall be ten Full Members. At all General Committee meetings a quorum shall be one quarter of all those entitled to vote.

c.             Minutes

Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Residents Association, including General Committee and sub-committee meetings, and these shall be written or pasted into a substantially bound volume provided specifically for the purpose. All minutes shall include a clear record of all proceedings and resolutions.


a.            All money raised by or on behalf of the Residents Association shall be applied to further the objects of the Residents Association and for no other purpose PROVIDED THAT nothing herein contained shall prevent the re-payment in good faith of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Residents Association by its members.

b.            An account shall be opened in the name of the Residents Association with such financial institution as the General Committee may from time to time decide.          The General Committee shall authorise in writing the Treasurer, the Secretary of the Residents Association and two members of the General Committee to sign cheques on its behalf. All cheques must be signed by the Treasurer and one other authorised signatory.

c.             The Association’s financial year shall be from 1 January to 31 December.

d.            The General Committee shall be responsible for:

i.              the keeping of accounting records for the Residents Association.

ii.             the preparation of annual statements of accounts for the Residents Association.

iii.            the independent scrutiny of the statement of accounts of the Residents Association.

14.          DISSOLUTION

If the General Committee by a simple majority decides at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Residents Association, it shall call a meeting of all those permanently resident within the area of benefit, of which meeting not less than 21 days’ clear notice shall be posted in conspicuous places within the area of benefit, and publicised by any other means that the General Committee shall deem appropriate. If such decision shall be confirmed by a simple majority of those present and voting at such a meeting the General Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the Residents Association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts or liabilities shall be applied towards such charitable purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area of benefit as shall be agreed by the meeting, by simple majority vote.


Any proposal to alter this constitution must be delivered in writing to the Secretary of the Residents Association not less than 28 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered. Any alteration of the constitution will require the approval of a two-thirds majority of Full Members present at a General Meeting of the Residents Association. At least 14 days’ clear notice of the proposed alteration shall be posted in conspicuous places in the area of benefit, and publicised by any other means deemed appropriate, such notice to state the wording of the proposed alteration.

This constitution was adopted with amendments at the inaugural meeting of the Westminster Park Forum held on 8th September 1998 at Westminster Park Community Centre.

The change of name from the Westminster Park Forum to the Westminster Park Residents Association was adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on the 24th March 2010.