December 4, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
December 4, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
WP News December 2023 issue
November 22, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
1 Comment
Minutes of meetings with Taylor Wimpey
Please find below minutes of meetings held with Taylor Wimpey in relation to their replan of Phase 3 of the Kings Moat estate.
November 22, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
Minutes of meetings with Wrexham Road Developers
Please find below minutes of meetings held recently with the developers of the Kings Moat estate: Redrow, Taylor Wimpey and Stone MC (responsible for the infrastructure of the estate). These are regular meetings held every 3 months to review progress and discuss issues.
November 14, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
New plans have been drawn up for the provision of a school at Kings Moat and you will have the chance to find out about them and comment on them at the Council’s face-to-face drop-in session on 16 November 2023 from 9am – 4:30pm at Lache Community Centre on Hawthorn Road.
If you are not able to get there, there is also a virtual drop-in session on 22 November 2023 from 5pm – 6:30pm (contact: to register your interest)
Alternatively you can complete the electronic survey at:
It is vital that we get this school to alleviate the pressures on our other local schools, so if you have time please go.
November 6, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
Minutes of Public Meeting held 24th October 2023
Please find below a copy of the minutes of this meeting.
October 26, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
New Taylor Wimpey Plans
Further to our well attended public meeting on Tuesday 24th October, here are copies of some of the plans which were shared then. TW have since submitted their application and there will be a lot more plans on the CWAC planning portal in due course. The planned area is that part of the site within the red line. The southern part of Phase 3 will be as per the 2019 approved plan.
The boundary treatment options are there for your consideration. It is intended that the buffer zone will incorporate any historically extended WP gardens as TW do not wish to go through any legal process to recover this land. The options are for discussion and you may be other suggestions about how this boundary could be arranged. We would like to hear your views. We have a further meeting with TW’s planners next Thursday 2nd November, so it would be helpful if you could give me any feedback by then. Please email me or use the contact form on this website.
Jennifer Crew
October 21, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
Public meeting to discuss new Taylor Wimpey plans
Further to the refusal of the last planning application by Taylor Wimpey to develop Phase 3 of their part of the Wrexham Road development, a few members of the WRD sub-committee of WPRA have been meeting with the company to try to improve the plans for both new and existing residents.
Taylor Wimpey have not yet submitted a new application, but have given us copies of their proposals and drawings of their ideas for the treatment of the boundary between the two developments. We would like to share these with you and get your reaction to them. The Taylor Wimpey planning team are keen to reach an agreement with WP residents.
We have arranged a public meeting at 8pm, Tuesday 24th October 2023 at WP Community Centre to allow you to look at the plans and discuss the boundary treatment.
I do hope that you can come along. If this time does not suit you, please get in contact and we can try to arrange an additional date.
August 25, 2023
by Jennifer Crew
Please join us for the Westminster Park Shops Autumn Tidy Up
Sunday 17 September, 10 am
Please will you arm yourselves with brushes, hoes and spades and come and help with the Autumn Tidy Up around the Westminster Park Shops? This will be the fifth time we have worked to make a difference to our local shopping parade and the more people turning up to help, the better the results!
Thank you, Brian Westcott
June 30, 2023
by Jennifer Crew