Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive


The Committee was updated on the Wrexham Road Development, which for Westminster Park residents means that it has been agreed to release land from the Green Belt on Wrexham Road for housing. The first phase will be completed by end of 2019. A plan on developing the site will be produced in the next six months and residents are urged to become involved to give input to minimise the impact for residents with regard to traffic, education etc.

The Treasurer reported that funds are healthy and subs for 2015 are coming in.

Thanks were given for all the work on the Christmas lights and festivities/

The March edition of the Newsletter is being put together by an editorial team but we still have a vacancy for an editor.

Evergreens continue to thrive with memberships being renewed for 2015.

The Gardening Club has a programme of meetings and events for 2015.

The state of paths, pavements and roads was raised and will be raised with Councillors. There was a note from PCSO Fox regarding the nails on Rowcliffe Avenue which is being investigated by the Police.

Regarding the two empty shops, the fast food outlet is under offer and close to exchange and various possibilities are being explored for the other unit.

A meeting was held regarding the two Care in the Community houses in Vincent Drive and many problems appeared to have been addressed. The situation will remain under review.

The AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th April at 8pm in the Community Centre. After the business has been concluded there will follow a presentation and discussion of the Wrexham Road development, all are welcome. Jeremy Owens from the Council’s Planning Dept has agreed to come to lead the discussion and answer questions.

Anyone wishing to join the Committee please let the present Committee know, either by contacting or at the meeting.

The current contract for running the DB1 bus is due to end at the end of August. The route may change after that, it is unlikely to leave Westminster park, but the more use it has the more likely it is to stay.

There will be a Quiz on Saturday 10th October in the Community Centre, 7.30 for 8pm start.

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