We have just received this from Razia Daniels:
our reference: | please ask for: | date: |
15/03642/FUL | Miss Gail Etheridge | 8 September 2015 |
01244 977709 | ||
planning@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk |
Dear Councillor
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Proposal: Erection of 41 no. dwellings, associated roads, car parking and landscape works – Amendment to application 15/00346/FUL.
Location: Land At End Of Sherbourne Avenue Chester Cheshire
Consultation end date and call in cut off date: 6 October 2015
Ward: Handbridge Park
I am writing to inform you that an application has been received in respect of the development described above. Any neighbour notifications relating to this application will be issued via second class post today
The link for viewing the application details is:
and on the search screen you should enter 15/03642/FUL in the application number field.
Please note that where an expiry date falls on a Bank Holiday the expiry date will be the next working day.
Members are advised that should they wish an application to be considered by Planning Committee then they must notify the case officer by email or letter on or before the call-in cut off date above. The request must clearly state the planning reasons for the referral to the Planning Committee and will be published on the Council’s website.
Members are however encouraged to contact the case officer either by e-mail or telephone to discuss any concerns they have about a particular proposal before finally confirming that they would wish the application to be considered by a Planning Committee.
Yours faithfully
Miss Gail Etheridge
Planning Officer