We shall be holding a Public Meeting of the Westminster Park Residents’ Association at the Westminster Park Community Centre at 8pm on Wednesday 18th October and urge you all to attend.
Plans for the 1400 house estate were submitted in June and we have now prepared the attached draft response to Cheshire West and Chester Council on behalf of Westminster Park residents which we wish to discuss with you. You may wish to raise other points about the plans and in order to represent your views as accurately as possible, we would be grateful if you would come along to the meeting.
The plans are available to view at Lache Library or online. The application numbers are: 17/02453/OUT and 17/02444/FUL. Please go along to examine the plans and consider any points that you would wish raise.
We attach our draft response which will form the basis of our discussion at the meeting.
If you are not able to attend, you can forward your views to Brian Westcott at 48 Merton Drive.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 18th October.
Pauline Brown, Chair
Westminster Park Residents’ Association