Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive



Everyone needs a holiday some time but we all want to come home and find everything as we left it. Almost half the burglaries happen when a flat or house is empty.

By following the tips set out here, you can help to make your home secure while you are away. Read the tips and plan ahead and tick off the items before you go.

Before you go
• Make your home look like someone is living in it. Don’t close your curtains in the daytime this shows the house is empty. Use automatic timer-switches to turn lights on when it goes dark.

• Cancel any milk or newspaper deliveries.• Avoid discussing holiday plans where strangers may hear details of your absence from home.

• Cut the lawn before you go and trim back any plants that burglars could hide behind.

• Uncollected mail is a sign that you are away. The Royal Mail’s Keepsafe service will keep your mail for up to two months while you are away.

• Consider leaving important documents and valuable items with other family members, in your bank or lock them in a safe.

• Do not put your home address on your luggage when travelling to your holiday destination.

• If you normally leave valuable pedal cycles or similar items in your shed, consider putting them in the house.

• Finally, make sure that you’ve locked all outside doors and windows and, if you have a burglar alarm, make sure it is set.
And just before you set off it’s worth spending a couple of minutes checking that you’ve done everything you need to.

Help from neighbours

It’s a good idea to get help from your neighbours. You could ask them to collect post, sweep up leaves, mow the lawn, open and close curtains, and so on. They could even occasionally park their cars on your driveway. Anything to make the place look lived in.

You can repay the favour by doing the same for them. Warn your neighbours not to put your surname, address or even your house number on your keys in case they fall into the wrong hands.

Let your neighbours know when you will be away and. If you can, give them details so they can contact you, or someone who can act on your behalf, in case of an emergency.

Insp Steve Beddows

Chester Outer Neighbourhood Policing Team

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