Westminster Park Residents’ Association is a member of the Chester Residents’ Associations Group (CRAG) which has identified Chester city centre anti-social behaviour as one of its key issues. Problems around drug use, street drinking and begging seem particularly prevalent.
To help better understand how ASB is influencing how residents use the city centre, we would like you to complete this short survey. The results will be collated and shared with Cheshire West & Chester Council (CW&C) and Cheshire Police to help them to understand the impact that ASB is having in order to direct resources more effectively.
The survey should take 6-8 minutes to complete and we recommend that you complete this on a device larger than a smartphone. A similar questionnaire is being conducted by CH1ChesterBID to Chester businesses as a joint approach with CRAG to understand this issue from an overall point of view.
Your individual input will remain anonymous unless you give your specific permission.