The Christmas season is fast approaching and we just wanted to share some content for online activities and things happening across the borough:
Healthbox – Have created a Health on a Shelf calendar. Each day there will be new content around health and wellbeing and activities to try.
CWaC Libraries – Link to daily updates and activities that the library service are doing. Please see attached leaflet with information or go online to Facebook or on twitter @cwaclibrary
Live Well – Information for families and individuals who may need help and support through the Christmas period
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Chester Locality Team
Cheshire West and Chester Council
Email: chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Location: Nicholas House, 1 Blackfriars, Chester. CH1 2NU
Visit: www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
CW&C COVID helpline – 0300 123 7031 or email enquiries@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
For local information on ‘Coping at home with Coronavirus’ go to Live Well Cheshire West and Age Friendly Cheshire West – You Are Not Alone
December 14, 2020 | 0 comments