Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

WPRA membership of Chester Residents’ Association Group (CRAG)


Last year the Chester Residents’ Association Group was formed and WPRA joined on a trial basis.  The WPRA committee has agreed that we have benefited from our membership in terms of better communication and having a more influential voice in the plans for our city.  In order for us to become permanent members of CRAG, our constitution requires that to allow affiliation to another organisation we must seek majority approval at a general meeting; this will be an item on our agenda at our AGM on Wednesday 28 April.

To give you a bit more information about CRAG, here is the description taken from their recently launched website: www.crag.uk

“Chester Residents’ Associations Group (CRAG) is an umbrella community organisation based in the historic city of Chester in Cheshire, UK.  Formed in 2019, CRAG comprises of over 20 residents’ groups from within – and nearby – the city walls. We welcome new members, because our voice and influence are stronger together.
Our mission? To make Chester an even better place to live, work and visit. We aim to do this through active citizenship and positive partnership.
Working with local stakeholders, CRAG is developing strategies and proposals to help address the top five issues identified by our members:-
  • Communication
  • Homelessness and anti-social behaviour
  • Traffic management and parking
  • Public realm
  • One City Plan”

Attached to this post is a copy of the CRAG constitution.  I would be interested to receive any comments about our proposed membership prior to our AGM.  I shall shortly also be posting CRAG’s position papers on the five issues above for members’ comments.

Jennifer Crew

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